Chapter 11

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She squatted down and grabbed the necklace that Rain threw. To her shock, it was Nat's golden necklace. She just stared at it for minutes with the necklace dangling on her fingers. She didn't know what to do but she knew she needed help and there is only one person that could help her Mr.Aquinde. She stood right up and walked to his house slowly but she was zoned out. Still thinking about what had just happened. Thinking about her friends, her family. When she had finally reached his place, she banged on the door and slowly Sat down. Like she was tired from everything. Mr.Aquinde opened the door cautiously but when she saw that it was Trixie he opened it immediately.
" Trexie, what happened?" He said.
"Are you alright?" His voice just echoed around her head and she just blacked out on his front porch.
Mr.Aquinde although 71 picked up Trexie and laid her on his couch. He went to his front door and he looked outside looking to the left and the right to check if anyone has followed her.
He grabbed a blanket from his closet and put it over Trexies body. He went to the hidden room and turned on the lights. He grabbed a crucifix, holy water, cloves of garlic and grabbed his rosary, he kissed it and put it over his head onto his neck. After that, he went down on his knees and prayed."Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me." He whispered. He stood back up and opened the drawer next to him and picked up a photo. It was a picture of Isabel. " I won't let it happen again." He held the picture up to his heart when suddenly he heard Trixie hyperventilating. He immediately went to her. When he got there she was still hyper and so he got close to her. " Trixie Trixie, wake up, breath breathes it's just me." He said shaking her until she woke up. " TREXIEE."
Finally, she woke up and immediately Sat up. Still trying to catch her breath. Mr.Aquinde had a sigh of relief. " You scared me there." He stood up and grabbed a glass of water and gave it to her.
" What happened? Why am I here?" She asked while holding the glass of water.
" You knocked on my door and then you suddenly passed out."
It took a moment for her to remember what had happened.
" What happened to you?" He grabbed a chair and sat on it.
" I know who infected Nat. It was it---- it was Rain." She said placing the glass of water on the table next to her.
" were you bitten?" He asked.
" No, he did not come close to me. Although my friend Cleo. She's one of them now." She said raising her hands over to her face.
" it's them or me."
"What?" He asked.
" He said if I wanted them to live and not turn into them, I have to be with him. It's either then or me."
" No, I'm sure there's another way." He said.
" It's the only way, sir. And I can't just let them turn into one of them I can't ---- I can't." She said trying not to cry.
" I have to be there at midnight otherwise they'll be gone and I can't live with that." She sighed.
" I'm going with you." He stood up.
" No sir no, this is my burden and I can't let another person close to me be in danger."
"No, not again, I'm the one who should be protecting you, I'm the one who won't be able to live If I did nothing to protect the ones who are close to me, I've already let it happen once, I won't let it happen again. Let me, Trixie, I know what I'm doing okay?" He placed his hand on her shoulder.
" This is exactly what he wants, to separate and manipulate us. We'll fight him in his own game and beat him to it."
They hugged and went to the hidden room. In there Mr.Aquinde took the stuff that he took out and opened the holy water and sprayed some on the crucifix and put it on the pocket of his jacket. He took a bunch of cloves of garlic and put it in his pockets too. " Here's the plan, you'll distract him, talk to him, do everything you can to prolong it. As for me, I'll be hiding behind a tree and as you talk to him I'll come up from behind and decapitate him.
"Decapitate?" She asked
He pulls out a silver sword from the closet and shows her. "Yes decapitate."
They took all the stuff they needed and headed out to the living room. Trixie looked at the clock. It was 11:30. " it's almost time." She said pointing at the clock. Therefore She got her backpack ready and Mr.Aquinde too got ready and they left. He started up his classic red Mustang and drove. On the way there Trixie looked at the dark road with only the car's headlights shinning. The houses gave way to the woods, then the open fields as they headed out of town. She looked around and glanced at Mr.Aquinde. She could sense that there he was worried.
"Are you alright sir?" She asked looking at him.
" Yes." He paused for a bit "listen Trexie if anything happens to me, I want you to have my property."
" No, do not say that." She said not letting him finish
" don't say that we're going to make it out alright? All of us." She cried.
" Listen I've been in this world for too long, I've seen a lot of things, been to a lot of places. If God takes me right now it's alright. But if that ever happens I want all every property of mine to be yours." He said calmly
" no, no don't say that we're going to get through all of this together, I'm not going to let you go no, no." She said pouting all her emotions out. When suddenly Mr.Aquinde stopped the vehicle " I'm sorry Trixie but we're here." He said with his hands still on the wheel.
" Did you just hear what I said?" She cried.
" Promise me, promise me that you'll live."
He looked at her " I ---- I promise."
" We don't have much time we have to go, we'll all make it out together."He said then he smiled.
Trixie looked around and they were already in the forest. Mr. Aquinde parked the car and they got out of it.
He looked around then at her " listen, try to draw his attention as much as you can, be careful out there."
The night was cold and they could hear the owls hooting. They prayed before they went into the forest. They finally went in. They could hear the sounds of leaves and trees blowing I. The wind. They didn't know where to go, they were just walking around for minutes. Then suddenly strong winds blew from the south.
"They're here." He said holding the sword.
They cautiously went in the direction of the winds, they were nearly there Mr.Aquinde cautious as ever. "It's time, go ahead, I'll go from behind, remember to keep him busy." He said. Trixie was scared and Mr.Aquinde could see that. " Hey hey I'm right alright, you got this." They both hugged and Trixie went straight ahead, trying to empty her mind on the way. She saw Rain with two girls with him. The closer she got the more clearer it got, it was Nat and Cleo. She got closer and Rain turned and looked at her, she was now about
Ten meters away from them. " I knew you'd come. You couldn't just let your friends suffer, that what I like about you." He said pointing and them but, they were asleep right new to the big tree. Nat was wearing her long white nightgown and Cleo she was wearing blue jeans and had her jacket on.
" Why did you have to infect Cleo too, you infected her with your filthy blood," Trixie yelled.
He chuckled " filthy blood, well soon you'll have this filthy blood, running inside of you, giving you power, giving you an insatiable thirst for your kind. Soon you'll be one with this filthy blood and you'll be fond of it. Soon you'll have this perpetual life."
Mr.quite caught her eye and she saw a half of him hiding next to the tall big tree. He was slowly walking towards. She needed to prolong the conversation " you monster how could you, don't you have any remorse for the human you was once." She said looking at him directly, being careful to show no signs that she wasn't the only one that came.
" look around you, what do you think? Like I said I get what I want."
Trixie could see that Mr.Aquinde was slowly closing in. " and soon I will have my congenial company. So come and I'll let your friends go." He put out his left hand inviting her to come. She slowly walked toward and so did Mr.Aquinde. Mr.aquinde had his sword ready to strike him meanwhile she was staring direct at Rains eyes. Mr.Aquinde was ahead by a bit ready to decapitate him, now he was closer to him where the sword could touch Rain, he was going to strike when suddenly Rain moved out of the way and Mr.Aquinde missed. Rain growled and suddenly grabbed a hold of Mr.Aquinde and lifted him. All Trixie could do was gasp. Rain let out his fangs " your heartbeat betray you old man. You've been in this world for too long." Trexie could see that Mr.Aquinde was running out of breath but still trying to fight, but he was no match for Rain.
She had to make a decision quickly. " No, no let him go. Let ---- let him go and I will be yours"
" NO TREXIE NO." Mr Aquinde said struggling.
" Not again." His voice was fading away.
" Let him go and I'll be with you, no tricks this time. I promise."
Mr.Aquinde was running out of breath and was about to faint when Rain suddenly bit him and let go of him and he fell to the ground with his sword with him.
" No more tricks, now come." He said with a loud tone. She hesitated for a bit " COME. He shouted." COME OR THEY DIE."
She couldn't just let them die and accepted the faith that she was about to receive. Her memories flashed back into her, her mum, her bother, she it was the wrong thing to do, but it was the only way she could save them, and so she went to him. Mr.Aquinde was looking at them " No, no Trexie don't." He said but he was still gasping for air.
" I'm sorry, but this is the only way." She went to Rain and closed her eyes." He grabbed her and leaned in for a kiss. Now she knew what Cleo was talking about. Those cold lips. "No." Mr.Aquinde said. Now Rain was going for the neck, she kissed her lips and then down to the neck. He was about to bite her when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. The pain was unbearable and strong, he looked down to see what it was. It was a wooden stake, his eyes widen." suck on this Bitch." She said plunging the wooden stake forward. They both dropped to the ground with Rain in agonizing pain. " Trexie." Mr.Aquinde shouted throwing at her the sword. Trexie catches it. " With a kiss, you die." She slashed the sword to Rains head, beheading him. He turned into dust and heavy rain suddenly poured with thunderstorms. She dropped down to check on Mr.Aquinde "we did it, we killed him." She said happily. Her face suddenly changed when she saw that Mr.Aquinde had a wound on his chest too. " Mr.Aquinde, are you alright? What happened."
" When he grabbed me, he plunged his hands into my chest."
" No, no listen we'll be alright okay? We'll get help! Just stay---- just stay with me okay?" He said holding his head.
He smiled " No, no this is my fate, my journey ends here while you, you guys are just starting."
Suddenly Nat and Cleo woke up " Trexie." They called out to her." Trexie, help us."
" Go, go and help them, I'll be fine." He said smiling.
" Wait, wait here, we'll be back. We'll seek help alright? I'll be back okay---- just wait. Don't leave, don't leave." She said quavered. She was crying. " Wait here." She went to Nat and Cleo and they all hugged. " Oh Trexie, I'm sorry." Nat said."
" It's alright, we're together now," Trexie said.
" Oh Trexie, Thank you," Cleo said. They all hugged. " We better get out of here," Cleo said. Thunderstorms were roaring.
" Wait we have to help Mr.Aquinde. He's wounded and we have to take him to the hospital." They went to Mr.Aquinde but to their shock, they saw that the ground was slowly eating him up. " Mr. Aquinde, no, no." Trexie ran to him. She tried pulling him up with all her strength but she couldn't. "CLEO, NAT HELP ME." She cried. They helped her but it was too late. Mr. Aquinde shook Trexies hand and smiled while the ground grabbed him in. Trexie cried. Nat and Cleo comforted her. They were all crying. " We have to go," Cleo said trying to pull Trexie away.
" Mr.Aquinde." She said trying to not let go of the ground. Lighting struck a tree and it caught on fire, spreading its fire to another tress. " We have to go now Trexie." Nat pulled her." I'm sorry." Trexie got up still wanting to stay there but they had to leave as the fire was spreading fast. She grabbed the sword and they ran to the car. Cleo tried opening the car door." It's locked."
" Keys, keys, keys," Nat said trying to open the other side of the door.
Trexie looked for the keys, she looked in, on top of the car and the bottom when suddenly the keys fell out from her jacket pocket. She remembered that she hugged Mr.Aquinde and he must've put it there.
She took the keys and opened the car door and they squished in and drove away through the burning forest.

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