Chapter 8

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" Come with me." He told her. He got a key from the drawer in his bedroom. Then he opened his cabinet and when he pushed it further she was surprised to see that there was a hidden room. " What is this place?" She asked.
" This is where I keep my stuff, my vampire stuff." He turned on the lights. In the room, she saw that there were a lot of crucifixes, holy water, and altar. He took a peculiar book, it looked somewhat strange and aged. When he opened the book garlic cloves started to fall. "They're for protection."
"Now they have a lot of names bloodsucker, Dracula, vamp, lamia, nosferatu, ghoul, the monster you name them all."TheyvVampires are typically are of pale skin and range in appearance from grotesque to preternaturally beautiful. Another frequently cited physical characteristic is the inability to cast a reflection or shadow, which often translates into an inability to be photographed or recorded on film. Now the way they attract people is they like to lure, manipulate or use misdirection to lure their victims."
"lure, manipulate or use misdirection," they said in sync.
"  they lure people by being enticing as ever, you see they don't try to attack you when you're strong, they wait for your weakest moment, the moment they see that you're struggling with something and then they strike, they can use your friends, your family or anything important in your life. This is what they use to achieve their goal.
Misdirection, they draw the attention to things that are not important just to get you confused and distract you from your original goal." Her stomach growled. He chucked " I guess you must be hungry let's continue this later." He closed the book.
" No no I can wait, I want to know more." She said. But her stomach growled again.
" Well you can but your stomach can't come on let's go I cook good food." He laughed.
Mr.Aquinde closed the cabinet and they went into the kitchen. In the kitchen she sat down and looked at the clock, it was 8:15 in the morning. " I have to go home the first Sir but I'll be back, I just have to act that I slept in my house. Otherwise, she's going to question me. I'll be back as soon as possible."
" Alright, just be back before the food gets cold. Oh and Trexie do not tell your mum anything, I'll explain why later." He said while cooking.
And so Trexie left, she ran to her house but she couldn't go through the front door as what if her mum was there already awake? Her bedroom window was upfront but there was no way that she could reach it without a ladder. Her bedroom is on the top next to her brothers. She tried to look for another way in but there was no other way. She climbed the fence to the backyard. And fortunately, they had a storeroom but the window was on top too. And so she tried to look for a ladder in the Hut that they have and luckily she found one. She put the ladder up to the wall and climbed to the storeroom, she tried to open the window but it was locked from the inside, she was desperate to open it and so she climbed down and grabbed a wooden stick. She climbed back up again and struck it from the middle which was wood and it opened. She leaped climbed over and her hands were the first ones to touch the ground and her feet. She changed her clothes to her home clothes and she messed her hair. She went to the living room and there her mother was drinking coffee. She acted as if she had just woken up, she stretched and yawned " good morning mother." She said yawning.
" Morning dear. How was your night?" She said while reading a newspaper.
" It was alright, just tired from work. A lot of people were coming in and out."
" Oh were you alone? Where's Nat?" She asked.
" Uhm" Trexie went silent for a minute.
Her mother looked at her " was she with you honey?"
" Nat she's sick and so she couldn't work. But it's alright I've got it." She said scratching her head.
" Oh, I hope she's alright." Her mother went back to reading the newspaper.
" anyways mum I've got to go to see Cleo later."
" Alright well have fun and take care Trexie."
Trexie went straight to the garden and took the ladder and put it back in place. She went back to her bedroom and changed. " Bye mum I'll be back in a bit." She said while running down the stairs.
" Right now? But I thought it was later. Oh, take care dear."
Trexie went straight to Mr.Aquinde and knocked on his door, the scent of garlic was strong, Trexie knocked again and Mr. Aquinde opened " Ah Trexie just in time."
" that's a lot of garlic sir." She said.
" Oh I didn't put that much but there is a secret to it."
They went and ate in the living room. There was garlic bread, spaghetti, and fried chicken on the table. She sat down and was grabbed the garlic bread, she was going to take a bite when Mr.Aquinde said " Ah ah ah not so fast, we must always say grace first and give thanks to God."
Therefore Mr.Aquinde said grace " heavenly father we thank you for the food that we have, we thank you that we are alive and well. We hope everyone gets to eat well as we do in Jesus' name we pray." They both said"Amen."
Trexie munched on the food like she hasn't eaten for days. " Slow down Trexie, we've got enough food." Mr.Aquinde laughed.
" Do you like it?" He asked.
"It is beyond delicious sir."
They finished eating and went back to the hidden room. On the way there Trexie asked " Why didn't anyone look for her? Her parents the people in the village?"
" because they have forgotten about her, it's like their memory of her had been wiped, erased from the memory of her some sort of magic but not me, I'm the only one that remembers her."
" After all this time?" She asked.
" Always."
They head to the room." How do you kill one?" She asked.
" killing a vampire is easy but the hard part is getting close to them to do it. They can see your movements faster than you see theirs, they're as cautious as snakes and as sly as foxes. To get close to one is the tricky part, there are two ways of getting get close to them, the first is when they're asleep and the second is when you're close to them physically. They'll only let you close if they're to bite you, turn you to one of them and you'll be one of their kind forever. Now how do you kill one, the most effective is through sunlight  they'll instantly turn into dust but you'll never catch them out at dawn as I have told you they're as sly as foxes, they know what time of the day it is without looking at the clock and even without opening their eyes."
" What about garlic?" She asked.
" Garlic is only effective if you stuff them in their mouth and I don't think anyone has the guts to open their mouths and do it. That is the hardest method out of them all unless the head is decapitated."
He grabbed a crucifix. But this is the most important but you've got to have faith for it to work. You won't make it if you don't have faith. This through their heart or a wooden stake would end them."
" Could she still come back? Nat?" She asked.
" That depends she's been bitten completely."
" What do you mean?"
" to turn one into a vampire first they must drain all the blood from the human and after that, they give their blood for them to drink. They have no choice it's either they drink or they die. Yet there's still a way if the vampire that infected her hasn't drained her blood completely. They have the power to turn them into a vampire but they can also let them have a taste of their powers but still be human they're the ones who control it. The only way for her to be human again is if you kill the originator. Killed the originator and the spell is removed. But if you kill the origin but her blood is already drained then it's no use, she'll still be one of them forever."
" Why would they do that? Not drain their blood completely?" She asked.
" To manipulate, to get their goal maybe the person they infected is not what they're after but to lure someone close to them. Whoever it is wants you Trexie."
She froze and her eyes widened, her mouth dropped open.
" Me----- why me?" She cried when she could finally speak.
" Well, that's for you to find out Trexie."

The vampires kissOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora