Chapter 6

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In the middle of the cold night, the line phone rang * ring * ring * ring. Trexie was woken up by the sound of it. She was tired and was still and bed, she grabbed the phone handset and put it right next to her ear. " Hello who's this?"
There was nothing but silence in the other end of the line. " Hello?" She said in a raspy voice.
She was about to hang up but then " Trexie this is Nat." Nat said with a gentle voice.
" I can't come tomorrow because I'm still not feeling well, but can you come and help me tomorrow night after work?" She asked.
" Why is there anything wrong Nat?"
" No nothing, I just need someone with me as soon as possible."
" Oh alright I'll try to come Nat alright?"
" alright I'll see you tomorrow" Trexie said.
" Goodbye" Nat added.
Trexie put the phone handset back and went back to sleep.
The next morning Trexie woke up exhausted, she didn't know, then suddenly she remembered that Nat called her. It was weird that Nat was calling in the middle of the night as she was usually asleep by then. She shrugged it off because it was Nat, it was her friend. She went to the kitchen and her mum was there. " Good morning honey, why do you look so worned out?" Her mum asked.
" I do not know, I think I just had a bad sleep"
" sleep early, I think you've been staying up late that's why you're tired. But here I made breakfast." ( It was pancakes and hash browns)
" Thank you mum." Trexie said while taking the plate to the living room.
Troy was there in the living room eating pancakes and was reading something.
" What are you reading there?" She put her plate down on the table.
" Ah this, it's about vampires"
Trexies eyes widen. " Why are you reading that?"
" Umm because it's interesting. It says right here that they like to lure, manipulate or use misdirection to lure their victims." He said while shoving the pancakes in his mouth.
" Do you think there are really vampires out there?" He asked?
" maybe" She creepily walks towards him.
" Maybe there's one next to you" She scares him. He was startled a bit " haha very funny."
They continue on with their day. Until the afternoon Trexie was preparing for work.
She walked to the library as usual and when she reached she started her shift. It was a busy day as it was on a Friday. A lot of people were coming in and out. She really just wanted to go home. 5 minutes left til her shift ended.
"Finally." She said to herself. She sat down on the sofa chair and just relaxed, she grabbed a random book and just kind of went through it quickly. She looked at the clock at finally it was 10:30. She did the closing routine and was headed back home. She was walking in complete silence, yes it was a bit scary to her but she was used to it. Just a mile from home Trexie suddenly realized that Nat called her, she has completely forgotten about it. She didn't know weather to go or not. She was uncertain. She decided just to go home and go to or but the thought of it wouldn't leave her mind, it was like Nat was calling out for her. And so she breathe in a deep breath and started walking to Nat's house it was like 4 miles away it was a bit of a bummer but Nat was friend. On the way to Nat's house she saw Mr. Aquinde taking out the garbage. " Hello Mr. Aquinde"
" Ah Trexie what are you doing out this late?, it's almost 11.
"I'm just going to check to check on my friend, she doesn't feel well."
" this late?"
" Yup I do not why but she said she needed someone to help her."
" Well why can't you just go tomorrow?" He asked.
"She said she needed someone as soon as possible."
Mr. Aquinde facial expression turned from a smile to kind of like a suspicious look.
"Oh Trexie I remembered that I've got something I for your mother, wait here." He went back inside to his house to grab something. When he returned he was carrying like a shopping bag. " What is that Mr Aquinde?" She peeped inside the shopping bag and it was all vegetables. " Give them to your mum for her cooking. Give it after you visit your friend." He added.
" Oh alright then Mr. Aquinde thank you for this."
" You're welcome and Trexie be careful alright?"
" Yes I will thank you again."
She went on to Nat's house, she looked back at Mr.Aquindes house and there he was looking at her, she waved goodbye but he was just standing right there and had this suspicious look.
Trexie walked for 3 and a half miles now, she saw a bench and sat on it for a while, she had a short break and continued as she was near Nat's house. She could finally see Nat's house. Nearly at her front door the winds grew stronger. The breeze of the night was colder than usual. She was now at Nat's front door, she rang the doorbell but no one answered, she rang twice but to still no avail. And so she knocked at her door but still to no answer. She tried the second time but before her fist could touch the door, the door suddenly opened slowly with creaky sound. She pushed the door open and called out her name. Her house was dark and it looked dusty and unclean. " Nat?" She called out her name again. She tried to turn on the light but it wasn't working. She was about to leave when suddenly Nat called out her name " Trexie" She said with a low but enticing voice. " Trexie" she says again. "Trexie I'm here." And so Trexie went to where the voice was coming from it was coming from upstairs, she walked up with nothing but the Moonlight as her light shinning the stairs. " Nat, why is it so dark in here?" She asked while slowly walking up. She opened the door to Nat's bedroom, the door slowly opened and made a creaky sound. Nat was laying down with her hands together, like someone who has been buried. "Nat? Are you alright?"
" Come a bit closer Trexie."
Trexie took a few step forwards. " Nat? You're scaring me."
The moon was shinning on Nat's face and she looked really pale and looked preternaturally beautiful. Nat Sat straight up and she stood up.trexie heart was pounding, you could hear her heart beat. It was beating fast * boom * boom. Nat coughed a bit but that coughed turned to low laughter. Trexie took a few steps back." Nat?". Nat's head was looking downwards then suddenly she looked at Trexie and locked eyes with her. The horror that Trexie saw, her heart dropped and her soul almost left her body. She wanted to faint when she saw that, that Nat's front teeth were canines teeth that were extra pointy and extra sharp and Nat was shinning,

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