Chapter 4

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Screeching sounds and loud cat hisses outside which slowly became truncated, the wind blew the trees and the wind howled and soon stopped. Trexie opened her eyes but to her surprise, she was standing next to the window, she glanced outside and saw this white figure sitting on a swing that was attached to the tree, the figure outside looked like a woman with her hair blonde hair and long white dress, she was still swinging but suddenly stopped, slowly turning her head to face trexie. In Trexies sudden shock it was Nat but she looked different there was something odd about her, her eyes were yellow, her face was pale and cold and she's got this eerie smile on her face when suddenly she waved with a slow tempo. Trexie immediately shut the window doors and backed away, she sat on the edge of the bed confused and terrified, looking down to the sweat that was dripping from her face when she looked up and saw Nat floating outside her window. She woke up out of breath her heart was thumping, she was trying to catch her breath and soon enough she did relaxed and her heartbeat had slowed, she realized she had a nightmare and so she looked outside again hesitantly and cautiously, to her surprise no one was there between the trees no swings or nothing just trees. And so she went to her mother's room and had slept there for the rest of the night.

Trexie went to visit Nat the next morning, the library was closed and so they both didn't have to work. she knocked on her door but no one answered, she knocked a few more times and still to no avail so she left, she tried to call Nat but she didn't answer, she tried one more but this time she picked up.
"Hello, Nat how are you feeling?"
" I'm feeling alright just a little bit tired, I've been sleeping all day and I'm feeling much better now." Nat sounded strange it didn't sound like her, her voice was so soft it was like a whisper.
" I'm glad that you're okay I've been worried about you, alright take a rest now I just wanted to check on you "
" you don't have to worry I'm fine, alright talk to you later bye-bye "
her voice was still so soft and Trexie could barely hear her but she was glad that Nat was okay. Afterward, She went to visit Cleo and they headed out to a Cafe,
"So how have you been?" Cleo asked while stirring her coffee.
"I'm alright," Trexie said.
"Are you sure you're alright because you look stressed out"
" I don't know" Trexie sighed and then took a deep breath and fixed her posture.
"It's getti.... Hmm, I don't know I just think it's getting a bit weird lately like I'm always having weird dreams and it's not very pleasant" She added.
" I know right, it just feels weird these past few weeks, I've read the newspaper yesterday and 3 people were missing," Cleo said.
The waitress overheard them talking,
" they just disappeared mysteriously, some say they just got lost in the woods but some say that something there's something hideous out there, a vampire, you girls be safe now and pray."

" a vampire" Cleo chuckled." Aren't they long gone and aren't they suppose to be hot" Cleo laughed.
"Cleo don't be rude, who knows what she says maybe true!"
" OH come on now Trexie you don't really believe that there's vampires out there and if there really was a " vampire" the folks  here would have already hunted them down, the missing people just got lost"

They got out of the Cafe, Trexie still seemed off and so Cleo took her to the fair, At the fair Trexie still seemed upset but then Cleo took her to the Ferris wheel, on the Ferris wheel Trexie let out a smile.
"There you go, there's that beautiful smile. For a while you looked like melting ice cream"- Cleo said.
Trexie chuckled." Thank you Cleo, I really appreciate it, this has really eased my mood." They both admired the beautiful scenery, the stars shines like a diamond, the moon illuminates the sky.

They got off the ferris wheel both laughing, in the corner of her eye she saw someone she knew, she double looked and it was Nat but she looked dd, she looked so pale. That was the first thing she noticed about her but her skin was as white as snow. She was leaning against a wall, Nat had been looking at the ground, but now she looked up and directed her to stare at them. Then suddenly Cleo pulled her to go to the ice cream store and when Trexie looked back Nat was gone. It's as though she has seen a ghost, she tried looking for Nat but she was nowhere to be found. She was really worried about Nat and she couldn't shake her the thought of her on her mind. They both were eating ice cream when they were walking back. " What's on your mind?" Cleo asked while locking the ice cream.
" I don't really know." She let's out a sigh.
" It's about Nat, she doesn't really feel well, I mean she doesn't look like she feels well."
" Well have you tried calling her?" Cleo asked.
" Well yeah I did I went to her house this morning but she didn't open it or she wasn't there. I called too and she picked up she did, but she sounded different. It's like she was sick."
" Well did you ask if she was alright?"
" Yeah I did and she said that she's alright, she was just a little tired."
" Well there you go, there's your answer," Cleo said bumping into Trexie.
" Don't worry alright. I'm sure she's fine."
" Hopefully."
" And plus I've been having weird dreams about her," Trexie added.
" What kind of dreams?" Cleo said with a smirk.
" Cleo!" They both laughed.
" Well, what was the dream?"
" Well she was different, she looked like a vampire."
" There you go again with the " vampire" you know what never mind, it'll get you reminded again on the whole vampire thing."
They were nearly at Trexies house and so Cleo dropped Trexie back home.
" Thank you Cleo I really needed this."
"you know you can always count on me."
They hugged each other goodbye.
" Oh and don't be having weird dreams about me too." She winked. Trexie rolled her eyes and then laughed.

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