Chapter 5

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The next afternoon Trexie was preparing to go to work but her mum asked her to buy stuff from the supermarket first before going.
" I have to go to work, why don't you ask Troy?"
" Your brother went out with his friends, plus I've got to go to Diana's house to borrow their stove as ours is broken ( Diana is their neighbor) why don't you come with me her sons got a bicycle, you could borrow that."

And so they went to Diana's house, she was already outside sitting at her front porch, they both started talking.
" Ms. Diana sorry but may I borrow your son's bicycle to go to the supermarket because I'm going to be late for work if I walked"
" Oh sure thing dear it's right there"
And so Trexie left
" be careful dear" both her mum and Diana added.

At the supermarket Trexie grabbed the things she needed when she saw someone familiar, she got closer and she could see clearly that it was indeed Mr. Aquinde.
" Hello, Mr. Aquinde."
"Trexie how have you been?" He was grabbing the vegetables.
" I'm alright just buying the stuff my mum asked me to" She looks at his shopping cart and to her surprise, she sees a cart full of garlic.
" Woah what are you going to do with that much garlic kill a vampire?" She said sarcastically.
"I am " he paused for a second and then laughed. "No I'm just making garlic bread, I do love lots of garlic, oh if you want to try it just let me know I'm just a couple of blocks away "
" We sure would love to try it, Mr. Aquinde! Alright I gotta go and hurry as my mum's waiting"
They waved each other goodbye and Trexie rode off. Trexie then gave the groceries to her mum, she and Diana were still talking. Then Trexie walked in fast-paced to work as she was late for work. When she had arrived, she opened the library and did her usual stuff. At the end of her shift, she sat down and realized that Rainier wasn't there. She didn't care but she can't shrug the thought of him. Her shift ended and when she was locking the library door cold winds suddenly blew. She started walking back home but after a few meters the winds started to get colder and she felt like she was unsafe, like someone was watching her. She just shrugged the feeling off when all of sudden she heard leaves crunching, she looked back and she saw this figure behind the trees, her heart was pounding and she bolted, she's in literal fear for her life, her heart felt like it was going to burst and her lungs were gasping for air, adrenaline was kicking in, her vision was getting blurry and her head was spinning, she was going to faint, her body was going to shut down, her knees couldn't take it no any longer, she's falling...
Her legs has given out and her hands were about to fall. When suddenly someone grabbed her by the arm, whoever it was had a cold icy hand, she looked to see who it was but her vision was blurred. He started to shut and she passed out.
The sound of music faded in. She was dancing with Someone, her body was following the sound of the song, she opened her eyes and it was A familiar sight, it was Rain! But he was glamorous, his skin was sparkling like diamonds, his hands were cold as ice, his whole presence was enticing. He leaned forward but then she notices his teeth, the two fronts were as sharp as the teeth of a K9. He was now going for the neck but she said No hesitantly.
She wakes up and sat straight up like she was in a coffin and finally got out. When she sat up and she examined to see where she was. She was back in the library, confusion was all over her face. She looked around all confused when all of a sudden Rain appears beside her. She was startled.
" relax it's just me." rain said.
" what? How, how did I get here?"
" Well I saw you running towards me and then you fainted and so I took you back here because I don't know where else to bring you."
She moved a bit back. "Was someone chasing after me? Were you chasing after me??! She asked.
" Are you crazy? I was the one who saved you and brought you here! Relax alright, it was a boar that was chasing you. Besides if I were the one chasing you, you wouldn't be alive."
She looked at him with a tense looked.
" Oh relax I was just joking, good thing I saw you, it looked like you were going to die." He said while getting up.
She doesn't know whether she would trust him or not.
" You still don't trust me huh? Alright, then I'm just going to go now." He said with his back facing her with his hands in his pockets.
She does not know why there's just something she can't shake off about it, whether if it was his soothing voice or the way he just talked, but she trusted him after that.
While he was slowly walking out. " Wait wait alright okay I trust you. Please don't leave me here alone."
Trexie asked Rain if he could walk with her back home. They got ice cream first.
" We only have chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry," said the ice cream vendor.
"Chocolate for me and what about you Rain?"
They both ate ice cream while walking back to Trexies' house.
" So what do you usually do Rain?"
Nothing much I just spend my time studying and just wander around since I've got all the time in the world." He said.
"Huh, so you're a boring person huh?" Trexie chuckled.
" what about you your majesty?" He asked.
" Mmmm usually work and go hang out with my friends. But I don't hang out with them much now as I have got to earn some cash for college" She said while licking the ice cream.
" what do your parents do?" She asked.
They had arrived at her house. " Hmm, you've got a good-looking house."  He said.
" Why is that? It looks soo traditional and old." She said.
"It's because I like traditional and old things."
" Oooh, so you're a purist huh?" She said.
He chuckled "Well I guess you should get going your family must be looking for you. Oh and by the way I can't make it tomorrow I have important stuff to do." He said.
" You're always not here for work! I do all work, I do not know how much Mr. Woodley pays you but I hope it's little!" She exclaimed.
" I'll help you next time, I just have an important thing to do tomorrow."
" What is it?" She asked.
" If I tell I would have to kill you." He chuckled.
" Okay, Mr mysterious." Just help me afterward with your" important meeting". She started to open the door and Walk-in. Alright, goodbye Rain thanks fo... He was gone. He was nowhere to be found she looked around and checked but he was not there anymore.
" What a dickhead" She shook her head.
She went inside her house and everyone was asleep and so she went straight to her room. She got ready for bed, prayed, and dozed off.

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