Chapter 9

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While Trexie was on her way back home " me who would want me?" She asked herself. " I mean no one would right? That's just crazy, why me? Why?" All these questions were in her head.She thought hard of who would want her. But no one popped into her mind. She looked up and sunlight shone on her face, her eyes in the sun are like pools of honey beautiful as ever. It was a beautiful day, the clear blue sky, the clouds like it was cotton. She could hear birds chirping and trees rustling. It was really peaceful the thought of whoever wanted to get her left her mind. She just appreciated on how the weather looked amazing. How peaceful it was. She sat on the swing next to the trees and just enjoyed the moment. She stayed there for hours, until she decided it was time to go back home. It was about 3 in the afternoon. When she got home her mother and brother weren't there therefore she went to her bedroom, she changed and took a nap.

The early risers chirping, morning sun beams peeking through the clouds, birds about their morning rituals, a gentle cool breeze, golden light everywhere,full of beauty and magic, filled with the promise of a new beginning.
She loved the feeling of that and wanted to stay where she was, she was so happy when all of a sudden water dripped from above she looked up and it was raining. Rain started pouring down on her face and to all the way to her feet. They sky turned dark and thunders came roaring in. The lighting struck a tree and it caught on fire and it affected the other trees and they were on fire too. Her happy face turned into frightened sacred. She's hyperventilating, she doesn't know what to do.  She tried to look around to for help or something that would put away the fire. Why didn't the rain put out the fire? She looked right and then to her left after which she saw someone about 100m away " help, the forest is on fire, help." She cried.  The person was saying something too but she couldn't hear it properly. The person was now about 70 away from her she could make out the figure now. It was a woman with blonde hair, she looks like Nat. Now she was 50m away and it was Nat!
" Trexie help me, Trexie." She cried.
But Nat still had those k9 teeth and now her eyes were glowing ruby-red. " Trexie help me." Turned louder and louder. Trexie tried to ran as fast as she could but Nat was getting more closer. She sliped on the mudy ground while rain was pouring down on them. Her eyes started to close and she could hear Nat calling out her name " Trexie, Trexie."
" Trexie, Trexie!" She sat straight back up.
" Trexie are you alright?" It was Troy, Troy was standing at her room.  She was hyperventilating. Troy came closer and touched her shoulder " hey hey its alright it's just me." He said while rubbing her shoulder.
It took her a few minutes to calm down. Troy went to go get water for Trexie. He gave the Glass of water to her " here drink this. What happened, bad dream?" He asked with a concerned look.  " Yeah, a very bad dream." She took a sip of water. " Well what was it?" He asked. " I don't want to talk about it right now." Trexie laid back to the back of the bed.
" Alright well anyways Cleo called."
" Cleo?!" She immediately leaned forward.
" does mum knows she called?" She asked with an aggressive tone.
" Woah Woah relax, no she doesn't. She just called like a few minutes ago."
" I'm sorry, it's just that I'm stressed out right now." She sighed.
" It's alright, for an apology hook me up with Cleo." He nudged her.
" What ew, you like Cleo?"
" Well yeah, I find her cute and you know she's attractive I'm also attractive." Trexie stopped him" ugh ugh. You going to make me vomit." She rolled her eyes.
" Please come on." He begged her with pleading hands.
" Alright alright. I'll try to hook you up with her." She made a vomiting expression.
" You're the best." He said and then left the room.

Therefore she picked up the phone and called Cleo and on the third ring she picked up " Hello Cleo?"
" girl where have you been? I've been trying to contact you all day."
Trexie let out a small grin. She was glad to hear Cleo's voice.
" my bad I had to go somewhere earlier." She sat back down on her bed.
" anyways I called because Nat called me."
" Nat?!" Trexie interrupted her.
" Uhm yes Nat." Cleo said as she rolled to the other side of the bed.
" Well what did she say?" She asked with a concerned expression.
" Well she said that she wanted to meet me but I said no because I have plans tonight. If I didn't I would've helped her."
" Thank God" Trexie muttered.
" Huh?" Cleo asked.
" Oh nothing what else did she say?"
" Nothing much." She yawned " She just hunged up after I said no which was rude. But she's probably on her period or something."
" good don't meet her right now."
" Why?" Cleo runned her hands through her curly hair.
" Because she's really sick and I don't want you to get infected." She said with a frown on her face.
" Oh that girl, she never told me that she was sick. Good thing I couldn't go."
Troy walked in on her and pointed at himself " talk about me" He muttered. She rolled her eyes " Oh my brother wants to go out on a date with you."
" Who Troy no ew. He's like a young brother to me."
" He says your cute and you'd be perfect for each other." Trexie put her thumbs up as a sign of approval and faked smiled for Troy. " Yessss" He danced out of the room. Trexie signed for him to close the door.
" I'd rather go with Rain." She laid on her belly with her two feet dangling up.
" Rain?! How do you know Rain? Her face shocked.
" You know after I dropped you off on the day we went to the carnival. A few blocks from your house I saw this handsome man his hair is everything, his eyess. But anyways unexpectedly he asked if I knew you and of course I said yes." She was playing with her hair. " Then he asked me if I wanted to go out sometimes and asked me when I was free. You know he was just soo gorgeous and I told him that I was free now."
" Oh my Cleo why would you do that? I mean you don't even know that guy."
" I know but he's just soo gorgeous and handsome so I had to." Cleo said giggling.
" Anyways we walked around for a bit chilled and talked about the boring stuff" She said drily." then he took me to this place where you'd expect to get killed in a forest and a couple meters away was a lake and it was night time and I was hesitant and wanted to get out of there but he told me to trust him. Good thing I did because the place was magnificent. The night was deep, the silvery moon is dotted with the dark blue night sky, and the naughty stars are running around us, the moon reflected the water. This was the perfect moment for me to kiss him." She chucked.
" Oh Cleo!" Trexie said and she put her hands on her forehand and shook her head.
" I mean what it was the perfect moment and plus I wanted it." She said with a naughty tone.
" Anyways I got closer to him and he chuckled, it was like he knew what I wanted. And so he held my hand and then." She started blushing and giggling. "He put his hands around me and kissed me, tentative at first but then harder. I noticed that his lips were ice cold and were really red but I returned the kiss. He went for my neck next and it felt like he was biting my neck like sucking on it but it felt good thought." She said.
Trexie looked very surprise her eyes were wide open and her jaw dropped "What did you say?"
" I said he was like biting on my neck like a vampire." She giggled.
Trexie stated at the wall clock so intensely and all thoughts flooded her mind again about vampires. " What if it was Rain trying to get me, I can't be. I mean it's not ughhhh" all these thoughts were running through her head.
" Hello are you still there?" Cleo asked.
" Um yeah Cleo my mother needs me right now. I'll call you back later. Bye"
"Alright well then goodby-----"
Trexie hung up on Cleo before she could finish. She hurried out of the room without looking back.

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