1.15- Aurora

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Seven years ago

"Ro, why do you think mom brought me here?" Delilah looked at me with a questioning look

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"Ro, why do you think mom brought me here?" Delilah looked at me with a questioning look.

I knew that I needed to protect her from our parents, so I hurried upstairs with her, hiding her in her closet

Today was the day when I was most scared, not only for me but for Delilah. Dad got fired yesterday and he was drinking all night, meaning that now he's completely drunk.

I heard him screaming our names downstairs but the only thing I could do was hold Delilah so she wouldn't hear the screaming.

After half an hour, the screaming stopped, and Delilah looked at me. "When can we go out?" She asked

"Lilah, I don't know but I promise I will try to get you out of here." I hoped that I could get her out


woke up at 5 AM to a dream that will haunt me forever.

You know that feeling when you have been through something traumatizing and it just keeps hunting you in your dreams. Even though she didn't do anything, it's painful to see her face in my dreams.

I decided to go and have a shower while trying to get my mind back clear.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower in the highest setting.

For some weird reason, I like the feeling of pain. It helps me in a way that can't be described.

I took my coconut shampoo and massaged my scalp. As I was done with that, I rinsed my hair and put it in my conditioner. I let it sit while I washed my body with vanilla body soap.

I let the water run down my spine and took the soap with me.
As I was done showering, I walked out and covered myself with a fluffy white towel.

I walked into my closet. I decided to wear a cream-colored sweatshirt and sweatpants.

When I was finished getting dressed and remembered that they had a music room here with a piano,

I stood up and walked out of my room to the music room. It was weird seeing the halls empty.

In the halls, there were always people. It didn't matter if it was morning, afternoon, or night; there were always staff members.

As I finally arrived in the music room, I ran my fingers across the piano. I have always found playing it comforting. Maybe it was because of her and him or not, I don't know.

( play the song on the top.)

6 years ago

I sat down on the piano chair as I started playing her favorite song.

"Look at me Ro," a four-year-old Delilah said as she twirled around the backyard, making me laugh

"Yeah, flower." I smiled at her, knowing that the times when she smiled or was just happy were rare.

"Do you think that I'll be as pretty as you?" She looked at me and I shacked my head as a no.". You won't, because you will be prettier, smarter and better than me, okay?" I said, making her smile

"Come on now, we need to go before mum and dad will be back, You know how they don't like when we are out too long."

5 years and 6 months ago

" Ro, I don't feel good." Delilah walked into my room, looking like a ghost

I stood up from my bed rushed towards her and picked her up

"Where are mom and dad, Lilah?" I asked while trying to calm her down from crying, "I don't know." She cried while holding onto my shirt

I picked her up and started running outside. I knew that our neighbors were outside.

By the time I got outside, she was already unconscious in my arms. I ran to the next door
"Miss Smith, can you help me get her to the hospital?"

"Yeah, hun, what happened to her?" she took her car keys and started running towards her car, opening the door for me

"I don't know; she just came into my room while crying and looking as pale as a ghost," I told her as I hurried into the car

As she drove to the hospital, I kept checking her pulse.

"We are here hun" miss Smith told me as I nodded and started running towards the emergency room

"I NEED HELP!" I screamed as I fell to my knees while hugging Delilah

They took her to see what was wrong with her while leaving me with my thoughts

"Miss Jones?" a doctor asked as she walked out of the room and I stood up "She is my little sister What's going on," I asked her

"Um, I think it would be better if we called your parents, but I can tell you how sorry I am." I saw that she was on the verge of crying herself as she walked away

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry that one word repeated itself like a broken record player

The same doctor walked back to me and looked at me with a sad look
"Your parents aren't answering so I need to tell you this: your sister has a
Stage 4 cancer and we can't cure it. If we had found out a year ago, then it would have been. Different story but now,. I have nothing else to say; you can expect how sorry I am. You should spend all the left time with her because our best doctor told me that she won't be here anymore to see a new year."

5 years ago

I have been with her every day for the last 6 months, ever since that day when the doctor told me that she wouldn't survive. Dad and mom were extremely overprotective of her and so was I.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Delilah asked and Mom nodded in response. She stood up and started walking towards the bathrooms when she suddenly collapsed

We all stood up and started to run towards her. Dad picked her up and started driving towards the hospital.
They had a room ready for her, so they took her. After 5 hours of waiting, the doctor who was wrong on her case looked at her with sympathy

"Mr. and Mrs. Jones I'm sorry to tell you this but your daughter was dead when you brought her here. We tried everything we could but nothing worked."


I finished playing the song and I didn't release that I was crying until someone behind me said, " I didn't know that you played."

I turned around and saw Alessandro looking at me while he came and sit beside me

"Why are you crying, my princess?" He asked as he wiped my tears

"It's nothing, just memories," I told him, because today was her death anniversary. It's one day when I don't feel like doing anything except crying

If someone were to ask me if I could change one thing in the past, I would say bringing her to a hospital check-up.

I just wish that I could go back to her and just recreate all the memories—to see her smile again and to hear her laugh again.

I just want to see my baby sister once again

Her redemption (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now