isabela madrigal x fem!reader (part 2)

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bruh this sucks i'm so sorry 😭
all sorts of hate allowed

Isabela screams into her hands, why did she say that to you? She groans, "I think yours is more beautiful? Who says that? Ugh, she probably thinks I'm a creep..." She hoped you didn't misinterpret her compliment, it's not like she had experienced flirting, she was always helping villagers! She sighs, what else did she like about you? Was it your voice? The fact that you could play several instruments? Isabela was never the type to like someone just for their looks, but then again, if she wanted something, she'd for sure make the effort to get it. And she really wanted you–no, wanted to get to know you.

So she made sure to stay out in the village longer. She skipped lunch, with hopes to see you playing again, and to her luck, she spotted you walking to the market. She speed walks over to you, trying to hide her excitement, and taps on your shoulder. You turn around and almost jump out of your skin when you realize Isabela was behind you. You hope she didn't notice how wrinkled your clothes are, you barely woke up to get groceries. She reaches behind your ear, "You got something." Confused, you reach behind your ear and Isabela pulls out a flower. It's red and its stout petals reach out all around its radius. You smile as you take it, "What kind of flower is it?"

"It's a red chrysanthemum." You spin the flower around, admiring its beauty, "And what does it symbolize?" Isabela bites her lip, "Mmm...I can't tell you." You raise a brow at her, but shrug it off. Maybe she didn't know what it meant.

Isabela notices a piece of paper sticking out of your pocket, "Are you buying groceries?" You nod and grab a basket, "Yeah, it's not much, just something to have on hand, my mom just needs flour and some spices." Isabela takes the basket from you, "You mind if I join you?" You smile, "Not at all."

You ended up spending 3 hours over what should've been a 10 minute trip with Isabela, you just couldn't stop talking with her. You weren't sure how many topics the both of you discussed, but you're certain that your love for her only grew. Your mother wasn't mad when you came home late, she assumed you were with somebody and didn't say much of it. It's not the last time you spend hours with Isabela, as it becomes an almost daily thing. From picnics, or helping her out with her chores, you spend all your free time with her. And as the days passed by, your love for her only grew.

And you would've never guessed that Isabela felt the same way.

It was another picnic in the forest for you and Isabela, and it was her turn to bring the lunch, so she brought her mom's arepas de queso. And you both had the usual conversation about exploring the world outside the village.

"Sometimes I wish the band became big enough where we could perform outside Encanto."

Isabela rolls her eyes, "And where would you want to go first?" You shrug, "I don't know, Mexico? Cumbia is pretty popular there." Isabela giggles, "Shut up." You stand up, "Yeah, and then I'll bring you along and we'll dance like this–" You spin around multiple times while kicking your feet against the ground, and Isabela covers her mouth as she laughs at you.

You smile to yourself as you try to regain your balance. Isabela smiles sadly, "As much as I'd love to go to Mexico and jump around, I doubt I'd be able to." You feign sadness and stick your bottom lip out, "Aw...why not?"

"I have everything here, my family, the village...Abuela says we should stay and help those around us." You sit back down with her, and she rests her head on your shoulder, "I just want to make my family happy." You hold her hand, "I know how much your family means to you, Isa...but what about you? What do you want?" Isabela pulls away, her eyes scanning your face. She shakes her head, "I can't tell you."

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