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It had been three days since I had spoken to Eliose. She had left with a simple "I'll think about it". I didn't want to pressure her so I let her come to me. I can't lie, I was worried she would tell someone. I had put myself and our sect of the suffrage movement at risk by telling her. Of course she'd have no idea who else was in our sect. I would not tell her those details until I was absolutely certain of her loyalty. At this time my safety was the least of my concern, what worried me was the knock I got on my door the next morning.

I approached my door, quickly opening it and wiping the flour off of my hands, for I had been in the middle of baking bread. I was taken aback by who was on the other side.

"Anthony. Aren't you supposed to announce before you go to a lady's house?" I paused "Alone."

"It seems I owe you an apology." I laughed before realizing he was serious,

"Oh well I assure you no apology is necessary. You should know by now I wouldn't accept it." I began closing my door. "Have a nice day" He placed his hand on the door before I could fully close it. I closed my eyes quickly and let out a breath before pulling the door open again.

"Yes well, Eliose seemed upset after coming back from your house a couple days ago. I hope you didn't dismiss your friendship with her because of our," He searched for a word "disagreements"

"I didn't mean to upset her. The next event I attend I will speak to her to smooth it over." He nodded but didn't walk away. I rolled my eyes and shut the door quickly and returned to the kitchen. I tried to decipher what that could mean. He said she was upset, so upset she would inform her brother? Or perhaps he already knew. Maybe he stopped by to try to build some bridge to gain information. Why has she not reached out yet? Is she scared to see me? Should I have not trusted her? I thought it through thoroughly and I thought I could trust her. She seemed like a perfect candidate. She obviously wanted more freedom. She admired Lady Whitsledown, the suffrage movement would be a step towards more creative freedom.

I shook my head, clearing all these thoughts from my mind. I drew a bath washing all the flour off from my arms. I put on a dress and walked to Alice's house. I knocked on the door and she quickly invited me in. Alice was my dress maker. She had been a dear friend of mine since my visits as a child. We made small talk before she took my measurements and discussed what I wanted. I needed something to ride in. Now women wearing trousers were unheard of, and even my radical views I wouldn't wear them around other people. But I wanted to ride comfortably while on my own property. My estate extended to a small forest path and I often rode back there in my free time. I decided to get a pair of trousers for riding back there. Thankfully Alice held my progressive viewpoints, which was why I went to her in the first place. I left satisfied and went home to get ready, for there was a social event to attend, and a young girl to speak to. And hopefully a young girl ready to help a much needed and much overdue cause. 

*Wow wow. A double upload after 6 months. I know, pretty cool. Sorry for any not so accurate history and my shitty writing. I'm aware I'm not good. But I looked at this story for the first time in like 3 months and felt inspired. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and is doing well. Love you and have a great day*

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