The Library

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Eliose came by my house the next morning with a shy smile. I opened the door and smiled at her small frame standing on my porch. “Eloise!” A smile spread onto my face. “Come in come in.” She stepped hesitantly in, looking around my large entry way. 
“Your house is beautiful. Do you live here alone?” She asked while we walked towards the library slowly. 
“Not completely. I have a few workers that help make food and run errands.” I smiled at her shocked expression as we navigated the rather large house. “But otherwise I am alone here. My father died shortly after I turned 16, and being his only living relative and him being mine, I inherited all his money and have lived on my own since.” We finally made it to the library and I pushed the door open. Eloise's jaw dropped and her eyes went wide as she looked at shelves and shelves of books. They stretched from floor to ceiling and a sliding ladder that ran across the whole room. There were velvet tufted chairs with carefully whittled tables, intricate carved vines wrapped around the legs. A desk with globes and maps sat under a tall window. 
Eloise walked over to the shelves running her fingers over the books. With a content sigh she turned back to me “Have you read all of these?” Excitement poured from her voice. She turned back towards the shelves and continued looking through the shelves. Occasionally pulling a book to read the inside before putting back.
“Most of them. But there are always more books to read.” I smiled at how excited she was, before continuing, “By the way, I asked a friend of mine about higher education here. Unfortunately there aren't very many options,” I paused and she turned to me “But I could, if you want me to, privately tutor you.” A wide smile spread across her face. 
“Are you serious? You’d do that?” 
“Yes of course. It won’t be as extensive as a real course but-” My voice cut out as she ran towards me and embraced me in a giant hug. 
“I would love that.” She said as she collected herself and stepped back. She tried to look regal again but the grin that painted her face was impossible to hide. 
“Well in that case, three times a week you can come and study with me. I’ll give you books you can read to further your knowledge” As I spoke I moved around the room pulling books off the shelves and making a small stack on the desk. I stopped walking and turned to look at her, “And I believe it goes without saying that this should remain between us.” I grabbed the stack of books and handed them to her. She looked a little frazzled so I paused and put my hands on her shoulder. “If I move too quickly or you want to stop, let me know. Learning is unique to each person. Everyone learns at different speeds and ways. We’ll find what's right for you.” I put a hand on her back and led her towards my front door. “Our first meeting will be tomorrow, be here around the same time you came today.” She stuttered as she turned around to look at my doorway. 
“But-I” I looked behind her and saw several ladies walking up my steps. I pulled Eloise to the side so they could pass us. She looked confused as the women passed. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow Eloise. Now go home.” She gave a distracted nod as more Women walked past her and into my home. I turned her around and she stumbled home. My good friend passed her giving Eloise a smile before standing next to me. 
“Who's that? A new member?”
“Possibly” I responded, still looking at her retreating figure. “But we have to be more careful about who we invite in after Cecilia. She seems promising though.” I said as I closed my door, Both of us heading down towards my basement. 

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