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I awoke the next morning to "Promenade" around the park. I love England but the constant social aspect is quite unappealing: It's like every lady is being watched constantly. I just hope they aren't watching too closely for I do have a reason for coming back to England; one that I don't want made aware. I stepped outside to see two horses and Simon. I walked up to the horses wanting to choose which one I would ride.

"They are both fine horses. Does it matter that much which you choose?" I tore my stare away from the horses and onto him.

"If we are going to race I need to have the fastest horse." I said with a "Duh" expression. He furrowed his brow and laughed as I walked to the white horse and got on.

"Still not riding side-saddle I see."

"Why would I? It's not practical at all." He let out a hearty laugh and got on his, hopefully slower, black horse. I laughed with him as I signalled my horse to walk.

"Last one to the park is unlucky!" I yelled behind me as my horse's gate picked up.

"That's not fair you got a head start" He picked up speed. I was still in the lead but only by a small amount. I laughed as we rode into the park and hopped off. I turned to see him getting off and handed my horse over. I turned to the walkway and noticed all eyes were on me. People whispering and judging me I assume.

"Well what do you expect when you act so unladylike like?" He scolded with a laugh.

"I expect people to mind their business. What I do is none of their concern and who gets to decide what is lady and unladylike like? It seems quite unfair that men get to dictate everything women do and what is done to them." He shook his head with a smile as we walked towards the Bridgertons.

Simon and Daphne headed to promenade as did Lady Bridgerton and Lady Danbury. I was left with the young Eloise Bridgerton as she was sitting reading. I don't believe she noticed I was there so as not to draw more attention to myself I figured a conversation with a well read young woman would be a good pastime.

"And what book might you be reading?" I said as I squatted down to be eye level with her.

"Moby Dick, it's quite enthralling. Are you Lady Basset? The American? Daphne spoke highly of you."

I smiled "Yes, I'm glad. Though I think you would find quite a different description of me from other members of your family." I said at a slight grumble "Have you read Pride and Prejudice? It is quite an incredible piece of literature."

"I haven't. Though I should look into it. Tell me what is it like in America?"

"It is much the same as in England though marriage is much less required. I even attended a university with some slight restrictions. I feel as though there is less judgment though I suppose it could be just better hidden." Awe washed over her features, making me laugh. "Is it so unheard of that a woman can attend university? I suppose I am an exception to most of society's laws for women. For I got a full education, I will not marry, don't want kids."

"But, is that allowed? You can just choose to not wed and have children?" Shock rested on her face while amusement inhabit mine. I did not realize it would shock someone to this extent.

"I am privileged for I have a large inheritance and an even larger title that I do not have to do what most women are forced into. I suppose if I find love I will someday marry but for now I have no desire so I will not."

"How would someone like me get get a higher education if I so desired?"

"I suppose all you have to do is ask though it would be difficult for someone in your area and demographic. Though I do hope you try, by the looks of that book you could go far." I flashed a smile but it quickly disappeared as I heard a voice behind me. 


Aaaah 31 reads. That amazing. Probably will update one more time tonight. Hope you enjoy 

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