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      I paced waiting for Eloise to arrive. I have decided to trust her, a decision I may soon regret. I heard a soft knock and quickly made my way to the door and yanked it open. She stood awkwardly on the other side, fiddling with her hands. I realized my message perhaps sounded troublesome, so I smiled warmly trying to ease her. She visibly relaxed, letting out a breath.

      "Thank you for coming on such short notice. I have something to discuss with you." She stepped in and I looked up and down the street quickly before shutting the door. "I'm sorry if I worried you. Nothing is wrong, nothing new that is." She gave me a puzzled expression as we made our way into the library.

What do you mean?"

      I sighed, "Before I begin I need your word that anything I say to you in this meeting is strictly between us." Her eyebrows furrowed but I continued, "If I share this with you, whether you agree or not, you must keep it between us. Should you speak about it to anyone, it could put many people I care about in danger."

      She looked down seemingly deep in thought before answering, "I won't tell anyone"

"Not even Penelope." She nodded, "Swear it."

      "I swear it." She rushed out quickly "What is this about? You're scaring me" I stopped my pacing and sat next to her on the couch. She turned to me and I took hold of her hands.

       "A couple years ago I joined a group. I wouldn't usually tell anyone about this, recruiting is not my job, but over the time I have been teaching you I have seen how intelligent you are. I believe this group may be of interest to you." She listened quietly as I continued, "This group is one full of women fighting for the right to vote, amongst other things.'' She stepped away standing up and walking around.

       "The suffrage movement you mean?" She anxiously bit her thumb while pacing around. I stood and put my hands on either side of her arms.

       "Yes. But just listen." She pulled away and continued pacing. "Do you not wish for equality? You have expressed to me your long for being able to do things that men can do. This is an opportunity to move towards that."

      "Yes, I'm familiar with the group. But- but they have done dangerous things. Terrible things" She stuttered out

     "But not unjustified. Is the suffrage of women not worth doing such things?" I paused and sighed "Listen, I'm not forcing you into anything. I thought you might be interested so I offered the idea. You don't have to join, but I'm hoping you won't put me and my friends in danger." She walked to the door but paused, her hand still on the handle

"Will it work?" She turned and I met her gaze,

"It has to."

Opinionated: The AmericanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz