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"Why are you talking to her Eloise?" She looks at me as I give her a tight smile and slower raise myself from my squatting position. I close my eyes and sigh before turning around.

"How lovely to make your acquaintance again Lord Bridgerton. Don't worry I'm not poisoning your sister with my twisted beliefs, just making friendly conversation, recommending books, as one does. Now if you'll excuse me I should be on my way." I drop my smile and turn back to Eloise before walking away. "If you'd like you can come by my house and look through the library, It has quite a large selection and you're welcome to take anything." With a warm smile towards Eloise I walk back towards the road as Simon and Daphne approach with Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton at toe.

"Ella! How lovely of you to join us. We were just talking about how Simon will be joining the Bridgerton household for dinner we'd love if you would join us." Though spending another moment with Anthony Bridgerton sounds painful I'd love to spend more time with Eloise.

"How could I refuse, what a kind offer. I'd love to."

"Good! We'll see you both tonight." Daphne and Lady Bridgerton broke away and traveled towards Eloise and Anthony and I whirled around to Simon.

"How do you stand one moment around Anthony Bridgerton? He's horrible. Disrespectful, childish, old fashion. How do you stand being friends with a man like that?" He chuckled and Lady Danbury linked her arm through mine as we walked back towards our horses.

"I believe the problem is that you are too far in the future my dear. Now if I may prod into your most secretive life Ella, where do you disappear to every evening?" My eyes slightly widen and I shift my gaze down to the group as Simon looks over at me with a puzzled expression.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean"

"Don't bother lying to me Ella Basset, I have eyes and ears everywhere. Though no one actually knows where you disappear to almost every night."

I smiled and shook my head "I should like to keep it that way. You wouldn't like all of your secrets out for the world to see and I wouldn't either." She opened her mouth to protest but I quickly interrupted "So cousin you seem quite close to Daphne. Why don't we talk about that?"

"Don't try to change the subject, If you do disappear as Lady Danbury says I should like to know why." We had reached our horses and I quickly mounted mine in my usual style earning a disapproving look from Lady Danbury.

"Look at the time I really must be going. I have to decide which books to give to Eloise before tonight."

"You really shouldn't be riding like that Ella. You're not a little girl anymore. Most uncivilized." I shook my head and walked away not wanting to hear anymore scolding of how I was "Uncivilized and immature" or how I would "Never find a husband riding like that". Besides I had much to do to prepare for tonight. I had a whole library to sort through to enrich a young woman's mind and anger a stubborn and old fashioned man. As well as other things I had to prepare for that will remain unnamed. For now. 


Thank you to everyone who has written or voted on my story! It means so much and It's really amazing knowing people are reading something I've written. So sorry I didn't post yesterday but I've been busy with soccer, clubs, and school. Hope everyone is doing well and if you need someone to talk to don't hesitate to reach out. Love you all and sleep well, or have a good day, (It's 12 am where I am)

Opinionated: The AmericanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ