Christmas Special!

Start from the beginning

"Pretty," The man spoke softly, eyes never leaving Theo, "But useless, is this how you train your men?"

A low, hoarse groan marked the air from besides the man.

Only at this, did Theo notice the shock of thick mahogany hair the man was grasping in his right hand. What? His eyes danced over the detail, but the meaning behind it couldn't seem to click. Yet with each step forward, the rough scratch of fabric against concrete creased the air.

"Nothing to say?" The man smiled, eyes curving directly at him, teasing him.


A bloody figure flew through the air and hit the floor between them, splattering droplets of red against the floor. Peeling off the black plastic glove from his right hand, the man tapped the heel of his left foot absently against the ground as the beaten form struggled to his hands and knees. A quiet yet sharp intake of breath disturbed the air besides Theo, but no one moved a single step, instead, the black gleam of a gun wavered and disappeared. A symphony of clicks danced through the dusk, and nearly all lowered their arms.

"Keir!" The man on the floor growled through gritted teeth, lifting his head upwards.


Keir slammed a foot into the other man's back, forcing him back down into the floor, "Not enjoying our family time as much as I am, Alexandr?"

A growing tremble crawled up Theo's right knee, and he cursed in his mind, gritting his teeth to stabilize the other leg. No use. He felt it give under him, hitting the hard concrete with an unmistakable and resounding thud. All eyes turned on him, the hatchet glint of that man called Keir, the guarded glances of the men around him and even the bruised frustration of Alexandr.

"Ah," Crossing his arms, Keir's cutting coldness melted into a slow smile, "On that note, would someone like to tell me what he is?"


Theo struggled against the ropes binding his arms behind his back, watching as one of the men who'd captured him take a step forwards. Shit. Shit. Shit! It hadn't really clicked before, perhaps he'd been ignoring the possibility all along, but if this Keir was what he was thinking... He really was fucked, in all kinds of ways.

"Sir, he's a new debtor owing ten million."

All of Theo's hopes flew out of the window. He should've guessed that Keir was one of them too.

Keir whistled, gaze scrutinizing over Theo's body again, "How were you going to make him pay up Alexandr?"

The man beneath him grunted, blinking a swollen eye, "The usual way."

Theo took in a ragged breath, the space beneath his ribs aching in time to the imaginary knife cutting him open.

Raising an eyebrow, Keir gave one last well-aimed kick before stepping over Alexandr towards him, "Pup, you didn't take out the money yourself did you?"

Theo stilled, staring up into the man's depth-less eyes. A silence stretched out between them. The man seemed to be waiting for an answer. He shook his head cautiously.

Keir bent over him, approaching ever closer until the tip of that noble nose threatened to touch his and hot smoke-siced breath splashed over his cheek. Nothing was hidden anymore. Not this man's face that stroked some strange, unknown weight in his chest. Not that feathering gaze that caressed the curve of his brow and the bow of his lip in a way that froze and burnt him. Do I know you? Have we met before? The look you pierce me with hurts. And there was fear that thrummed through his body like a current. Only now did he realize that it'd never stopped since he heard Keir's voice, and now it was reaching a crescendo.

"Pup, don't be scared." Keir murmured, lifting his chin with a startling cold touch.

Firm, those fingertips dug into his skin, yet, they did not tug him back and forth, side to side as he had expected. Those turbulent eyes did not deviate from his own, they dug deep into him as if searching for something that can only be known by seeing. Something shifted in the air. His chest cramped painfully, but he could not look away, it was as if he was being dragged down into an abyss, deeper, deeper. All too suddenly, Keir let go with a small push, rising to his full height again.

"Sell him to me." Keir said without compromise, "He'll make a good profit."

Though thoroughly bloody and sporting what seemed to be a broken nose, Alexandr had gotten to his feet. At this, his eyebrow twitched upwards, spasming immediately with pain. He gave Theo a quick once-over and shook his head with disgust in Keir's direction, hobbling away with the support of his men.

"Do whatever you want with him."

A chill crept down Theo's spine. That did not sound good, none of it sounded good. In fact, he was starting to prefer the idea of the 'usual way'. At least it didn't seem to involve this man who'd beaten up his mafia boss brother for family time. There was something else about this Keir, there was something... That made him as uncomfortable as the idea of dying.

Keir's lips lifted for a fragment of a second, "You can go now."

The warehouse doors clanged open behind Theo with a creaking yawn. All those suited bastards trooped out after Alexandr, none making a single move to get him out of here. He made an involuntary noise at the back of his throat, turning his head slightly to catch their retreating backs with the corner of his vision. In an instant, a strong force turned his chin again.

"They not coming back for you. You're mine now pup."

Keir's sharp canines flashed cruelly.

"I'll take good care of you." 

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