Cole Simpson (part three)

Start from the beginning

The older witch in front of me sighed. “This is horrible and he will be rightly punished but I need the glass to confirm it was him. Do you still have it?” She asked, glancing between me and Charlie.

I went to shake my head no as I felt sick to my stomach but before I could Charlie spoke up. “Gracie Mitchell has it.” He declared before turning to me. “I made sure we kept it.”

I gave him a thankful smile with soaked cheeks and looked back at my teacher to continue. “I know I made some questionable choices but I was angry and upset but more than anything I'm so scared. I'm terrified for my safety and what he might do next.”

McGonagall gave me a minute to calm down and compose myself while she offered her sympathy and compassion. “Charlie, if you could go and get me the cup off Miss Mitchell please, that would be great. I’d like to speak to y/n alone.”

He met my eyes, like he was asking me for confirmation that I would be fine on my own. I gave him a small nod and happy with my response, he left to get the cup.
Once the office door shut again the Professor turned to me. “Unfortunately with anything like this nothing effective can be done immediately which not only angers me but it also upsets me. I completely believe you y/n. I’ve also heard the rumours about him and a girl but I had no idea it was you and I didn’t know enough to do anything about it or else I would have done something about it by now. “ A wave of relief flashed over me. That was my biggest fear that she wouldn’t believe me and I would be left all alone with no change.

She took a breath before continuing. “A full investigation will be carried out and if need be the right ministry authorities will be contacted, I will speak to Professor Flitwick and Professor Dumbledore tonight on how it will be conducted. Now with everything we do that will result in a consequence or that will affect the outcome of this investigation we will speak to you and take your preference into account but you also have to understand that because I know about it, I have to do what the law says and if I didn’t then I wouldn’t be doing my job and I could get into serious trouble.” I nodded in understanding as she continued.

“I hate having to say this and it really shouldn't be this way but I can’t provide an answer for you right now. We have to build a ‘case’ against him before I can take any measures to make sure he isn’t near you. So my only suggestion at the minute is to avoid him as much as you can and to make sure someone is with you when you aren’t in your dorm. I would suggest a male in the year above Cole to scare him away, as much as it’s stereotypical he doesn’t seem to be phased by females or anyone his age from what you told me. You’re on the quidditch team, I’m sure Eric Oakly or Owen Ashford would be willing to help. Or Bill Weasley, he’s headboy so he does have authority and Adam Hale would also be a good help but that's just a few suggestions for when Charlie’s not with you.” She laughed at the last bit, making me feel at ease that bit more. “I can have a talk with the team and people your friends with tomorrow if you’d like.”

Almost immediately I agreed with her to talk to them, it would be easier than me having to explain to everyone what’s happened. They’d be concerned and want to ask questions that I just wasn’t ready for or talk about.

“I need you to write down exactly what you told me, with as much detail as possible on this parchment as a statement. I know that it’s hard but it’s really important so that we can help you and I’m here for y/n, it’s going to be okay. He will be held accountable. If you could also write down the names of the people on the quidditch team and people you’d feel comfortable escorting you to your classes and to practises. If Cole shows up at a practice, come straight to me.”

In silence I completed what she asked me to and my statement was extremely long as I recited every single incident I had with the boy and trust me there was a lot. Our date, him calling me a slut, every time he stared at me or showed up at practice, absolutely everything I wrote down. In the middle of it Charlie came back with the glass and sat down beside me to wait on me so that I wasn’t walking back up on my own per Professor McGonagall’s request.

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