Love Doesn't Need A Comparison

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Title: Love doesn't need a comparison
Requested: Yes (thank you so much for your request <3)
Eternity/ either/ seperate: Seperate
Triggers: Blood, near death experience, her mum was tortured, I don't go into detail but she's like Alice longbottom
other information: this is 7.5k words so it's really long, I don't think I need to mention anything that you don't learn about in this

"Why is it that you don't even need to open your mouth to make my head hurt?" I groaned at my older brother Alfie. For the past ten minutes, we have sat in a booth in the three broomsticks with the only noise filling the air being his fingers bouncing off the wooden table in front of us.

He wasn't a drummer, he actually was an Archivist but he knew it annoyed me so he did it anyway.

We were currently waiting on our friend Bill who had apparently had a very important question to ask the two of us. Alfie was three years older than me and was in the same year as Bill throughout Hogwarts and the two became very close, they were best friends.

I wasn't as close with Bill while I was there for a couple of reasons: one being my brother annoyed me too much to always be around. Two being there's a three year age gap between me and the two of them and now it's better but there's a massive difference between seventeen year old boys and a fourteen year old girl.

But now that we're older I have grown to be close with him, again, for multiple reasons.

I was a translator, in being one it meant that I was bound to have to go to ancient places that were overridden with curses. They sent me to Egypt a few years ago to translate symbols in the pyramids and because they knew my brother was friends with the Weasley's they assigned me with none other than Bill to make sure I didn't accidently touch a cursed object and hurt myself.

The second reason was because a few months after I graduated from Hogwarts something happened to Alfie and I's mum. She's still alive, just not herself.

Our mum was a half-blood and married our dad who was a muggle. She didn't tell him about magic and when he found out after Alfie levitated the plates off the dinner table as his first display of his magical abilities, he left us. I was just a baby, less than nine months old, so I don't remember him or what happened that day but Alfie remembers little bits of him.

Life was hard on our mum for the first few years, I know that now but she trained to become an auror when I was five and by the time I was fifteen she was climbing the ranks with ease.

It was only meant to be one more mission. One more goddamn mission then she could become the head of the auror departments.

I was eighteen having just left Hogwarts and was in the middle of a lecture on advanced ancient runes when a ministry worker pulled me out of my class. Telling me something had happened to my mum.

We apparated to St.Mungos where I saw Alfie was sitting next to a woman on a bed, he stood up and pulled me into a hug as I cried.

A healer came round to us to explain what happened. I knew the mission was dangerous, she was going undercover for godric knows how long it could've been weeks or months but I understood, it was something she needed to do.

Her cover was blown.

Courtesy of a jealous auror below her in ranks who felt his masculinity was threatened because a female was going to be head. It's safe to say he's locked up now.

I didn't want to hear the graphic details of what they did to my mum so I left the room and to this day I don't but I knew it was awful. You could tell just by looking at her.

At the time the healers didn't know what the long term effects would be but as soon as she woke up they were evident. Her brain was damaged and so was her memory, she didn't know either of us were and now she still lives in St.Mungo's.

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