Cole Simpson (part three)

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Title: Cole Simpson
Requested: yes but I got carried away lol
Eternity, either, separate: Eternity
Triggers: (mentions) of SA and h@rrasment, spiking and minor swearing
Other information: There is just cat calling and confrontation in this last part but it also mentions everything that has happened previously

If I've missed anything let me know :))

The entire walk there Charlie had his arm around my waist, I tried rubbing my eyes to make myself look somewhat presentable. By the time we arrived at her classroom, dinner was over and everyone was heading back to their common rooms.

I knocked on her door and when she called for me to enter I did so with Charlie at my side. “Y/n, Charlie. Is everything alright?” Her tone of voice changed when she saw that I had been crying.

Shaking my head I replied. “Not really Professor but can I speak to you please?” My voice cracked as I could feel a fresh round of tears coming on.

“Of course dear, come on into my office.” She led the way. I grabbed Charlie's wrist and dragged him in with me.

I knew he wouldn't mind being there with me and our Professor handed me a glass of water before motioning us to take a seat as she did the same and asked me what was wrong.

“I've been having trouble with Cole Simpson recently um… it started at the end of September and he asked me out on a date to which I agreed. About a month later we were still together but I found out he was cheating on me and he has repeatedly admitted that he was only with me so that he could sleep with me.” I had to stop myself and take a deep breath.

The entire time I spoke I was staring at my hands, fiddling with them as the words came from my mouth but when I stopped, Charlie took one of my hands and squeezed it.

“I obviously broke up with him but for about a week afterwards he followed me around everywhere. In the hallway in between classes he was always near me, he showed up at quidditch practises and outside the common room and he would stare at me in every class we had together. This happened up until a party in the Ravenclaw common room the last night we were here before half term, I don't want to get anyone else into trouble so I don't want to say who organised it but that night I made a really stupid decision that I hold my hands up to and admit but I got drunk and he…. He umm.” Once again I had to stop myself, only this time the tears began to fall and I couldn't stop them.

“He tried to get me to go upstairs to his dorm. I told him no, I kept telling him to get off me but he wouldn't. Thankfully Charlie found me and stopped him but if he didn't...if he didn't get there in time then… then Cole was going to assault me.” I couldn't stop the tears that flowed even faster from my eyes.

McGonagall had a sympathetic look on her face as she handed me a tissue and apologised for what happened. Charlie gave my hand another comforting squeeze.

Despite being so upset I needed to continue, my heart beating so loudly I thought it might burst from my chest. “I thought that a harmless prank of dying his hair pink would send him the message to leave me alone but it didn't. It just made things worse as he followed me everywhere and showed up everywhere to the point where I was hiding in classrooms to avoid him in the halls. Today things just took a whole different level, he made a comment in the hall to me on my way to quidditch practice about my breasts and his friend in the year above made a comment about me and Cole having sex.” Usually I would have cringed if I had to talk about this in any other context but right now I didn't care.

“I didn't know what he was talking about at first until a friend told me later today that he had told everyone the night of the party I had sex with him when actually I was drunk and Charlie saved me from being assaulted by him. I confronted him in the courtyard and he said I just regret it and so I'm denying it but things got so much worse because at dinner tonight I noticed my drink was already poured and the liquid had a glimmer to it. I smelt it and also asked seven other people for their opinion and they agreed that it was cupid crystals. I'm certain Cole somehow spiked my drink because when I looked around he was staring and smiling at me before he winked and I didnt know what else to do so I just smiled and turned around.”

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