"Look, how many times do we have to have this conversation before I have a breakdown? I really don't wanna talk about it. You're happy getting to know Judah and I'm fine with that..." he trailed off.

"Are you though? Do you mean it when you say you're fine with it? I'm not trying to be a bitch by getting to know one of your friends. I-"

"Dee. All I want is for you to be happy. I only have myself to blame that I can't be that person anymore" he told her, his voice just above a whisper. Dee glanced down at her lap for a moment.

She then lifted her head up and planted a gentle kiss on Hayes' cheek before standing up.

"Thank you, Hayes." She told him quietly as she stopped just by his door. She then opened the door and left the room to head downstairs and join everyone else outside.

On the quad bikes at the moment was just Nash and Tez, Judah was stood with Taylor and Malakai as they watched the two boys go over ramps and do tricks.

"Hey" Dee spoke, catching both of their attentions as she stood on the other side of Judah.

"Hey" Judah smiled down at her.

"You not gonna go ride?" Taylor asked, gesturing to the quad bikes, knowing Dee was more than capable of doing so.

"Yeah, I've only ever seen you ride towards Hayes before yelling at him, I wanna see some tricks" Judah laughed, making Taylor and Dee laugh too.

"Eh fuck it" Dee shrugged before walking over to a spare quad bike and putting a helmet on before revving the engine. She then sped off and joined Nash and Tez on the track, going over ramps here and there and doing all sorts of random tricks.

Hayes approached from inside the house but stayed back. He leaned against the garden shed behind Taylor, Malakai and Judah and watched closely as the 3 raced around the track and done their own random shit.

Dee was swerving around the boys every now and then and going up the ramps. She then picked up speed some more and headed for a ramp. As she got closer to the ramp, she forgot to slow down to gain better control of the bike, so when she went up the ramp she went a lot higher than usual. Her control was gone. The only way this could end from this point was badly.

Whilst she was still in the air, she panicked and let go of the bike. Her body and the bike went separate ways as they fell back to the ground and the sound of her scream pierced everyone's ears.

"DEE!" Nash yelled in panic, racing towards her as her body smacked the ground and rolled a few times.

Judah and Taylor gasped in shock as their hearts dropped at what they just saw. Taylor clutched Malakai tightly as Judah brought his hands to his face.

Hayes took no hesitation before running for a quad bike and racing towards the accident.

Within seconds he was there and Nash and Tez were already crouched down around Dee, trying to help in anyway that they could.

"Shit" Hayes muttered as he crouched down beside her and removed her helmet. Her eyes were closed and her nose was bleeding slightly.

"She must have bashed her nose on her helmet" Hayes muttered, using the end of his t-shirt to wipe the blood away.

"Tez call 911" Hayes ordered him, not taking his eyes off of the unconscious girl before him.

"Bro don't move her, she's almost definitely got some broken bones" Nash rushed, making sure Hayes wasn't going to move her in anyway.

The boys stared at her in fear, worried about her safety and what they should even do to help. Hayes checked her pulse and it was still there but seemed rather slow.

Judah eventually appeared after running over to help, Taylor stayed back because she didn't want Malakai to see any of it.

"Fuck" Judah muttered as he saw Dee lying there lifelessly. He crouched down on the other side of her and instantly brushed her hair out of her face before grabbing her hand.

The sound of sirens grew louder and louder and Taylor ran to the front of the house with Malakai on her hip to greet the emergency services and lead them to Dee.

"You're gonna be okay, it was a hard hit honey but the doctors said you were lucky to only get bruising and no breaks" Elizabeth told the girl as she lied in her bed after visiting the hospital. Judah and Taylor were stood near the door, watching as Elizabeth gave the girl some ice packs for her ribs.

"You need to rest for a few days so if you need anything, let me know" Elizabeth told her, walking towards the door.

"Thanks Liz" Dee told her quietly. Elizabeth smiled one more time before exiting the room.

"I'm gonna go check on Malakai, I recently put him down for a nap. Let me know if you need anything alright, Dee?" Taylor told the girl, glancing at Judah a few times as well.

"I will, Thanks Tay" she half smiled. Taylor smiled back and left the room.

Dee turned her attention to Judah who was still leaning against the wall with his arms across his chest. She remained silent and simply watched him.

He sighed and pushed himself off the wall before walking over to the bed and sitting beside her but on top of the covers, whilst she was underneath them.

"That was quite a scare you gave us there" he told her, wrapping his arm over her shoulder. She snuggled up into him a little more, trying to be careful as everything was sore. She rested her head on his chest and sighed.

"I know, I'm sorry, I just lost control of the bike and-"

"Chill, I'm kidding. You have nothing to be sorry for" he chuckled softly, not wanting the girl to be stressing after the day she's had. Dee remained silent and stared at the ceiling.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to do something tomorrow but it seems like you're gonna be too busy recovering for the next few days" Judah joked, looking down at the girl as her head laid on his chest.

"Looks that way" she laughed.

"How about we have a movie night tomorrow night? I'll get us some snacks and we can binge watch some movies" he suggested to her.

Dee smiled.

"I like that plan" she told him. He continued smiling and placed a kiss on the top of her head, making her giggle nervously.

Hayes saw this through the door as he reached the top of the stairs. He sighed at the sight of them being so happy together. He started heading for his room and realised it was time he needed to move on from Dee and accept that she was happier with whatever she had going on with Judah.

Until Now Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora