Shadows of War

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Hours earlier...

“Wait…” Eydis narrows her eyes as she catches a bird’s-eye view of a massive, marching Dark Knight force in the Dark Territory. For some reason, however, they’re heading south, not west. “Are they coming to us? They can’t be trying to attack me… Maybe they deployed a decoy army? But it’s almost night… Yeah, I should definitely hurry. Full speed, Kirimai!”

As Kirimai begins to pick up speed, a strange green light appears in the sky, freaking Kirimai out. “What... Kirimai! Stay calm, girl!” The light soon disappears, and with it, the Dark Knights. Only a large crevice remains where the dark army was. “What? What is this?” The only person she knows to have such power is Jaymes, as his Memory Release allows him to wipe out the existence of anything his sword touches, but never has it been on a scale so grand. If it wasn’t him… “It’s said that when Vecta rises, the forces of darkness will invade. And if that’s the case, then the one who shaped this the work of another goddess? Enough, it’s too early to come to any conclusions. Many of my comrades are out there. I must hurry!”


At the raid camp…

Kirimai drops down just outside the camp south of the Eastern Gate. Upon dropping off of the dragon, Eydis spots the Knight Commander and Renly walking in her direction. “Oh! Commander! Did you come to meet me?”

“Yes. Renly told me that you were flying here.”

“Lady Eydis, I have prepared a place to rest your dragon!”

Eydis smiles and pats Kirimai. “Oh, really? Thanks! This poor girl has really been overworked. Rest up, Kirimai.”

As Renly leads the dragon away, Bercouli speaks to Eydis. “So why come flying so urgently in the middle of the night? Is there some major crisis?”

“That’s what I’d like to know! The fighting over here got very intense around evening, right? I saw them spitting fire. And then there was light crashing from the sky, earthquakes… What’s going on?”

“Ah, yes, I don’t suppose you would be able to tell from such a distance.”

Eydis pouts. “Stop stalling and answer me!”

Bercouli chuckles. “How about I tell you over a nice meal. Aren’t you hungry?”

“Hungry? Oh, now that you mention it…”

“I’ll get us dinner right away. Also, I’ll need an update on the conditions on your end.”


“Oh. So Eldrie and Dakira…”

Bercouli nods. “They both went down bravely. It was because of them that Fanatio and Alice survived.”

Eydis sighs. “They both went down bravely… That’s comforting to hear. I always thought Dakira was cute. And what a waste for her to cover her face with that mask. Well, she did worship Fanatio. Almost to a fault.”

“True. She did.”

“I never spoke to her much, but I would have loved to.”

“Fanatio seems to have taken her death quite badly. She was fond of Dakira, in a way. And this girl that she loved...died protecting her.”

Eydis faces Bercouli and smiles. “I think she could use some comfort from her Commander. Right?”

“Well, I’m not…”

Blushing Bercouli is such a rare sight. Eydis lets her smile linger a moment longer before the other fallen knight weighs on her mind. “Eldrie was an annoying fool. But he did seem to genuinely care for Alice. And in spite of it all, I enjoyed my interactions with him.”

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