War of Underworld

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The goblins and giants are the first to attack. Seeing them approach, Fanatio draws her rapier and points it forward. “First unit, draw your swords! Prepare for battle! Monk unit, prepare your healing arts and incantations!” On the sides of Fanatio are Eldrie and Deusoldert, the whipper, the archer, and their soldiers prepared for the fight to defend humanity.

Around the western side of the fallen gate, the leaders of the units watch the incoming battle nervously, but most of them keep their wits about them. Alice watches from above upon Amayori, waiting for her role in the fight to play out.

“It’s begun… I shall...do what I must.”



“Wake up dear. It’s morning.” The one memory he possesses from his past is a faceless woman waking him up in the morning. Not too long ago, during the Clamp Crisis, the Pontifex used that memory against him. Then, he made the decision to protect the world that woman in his memory once lived with him in, and it is all the resolve he needs to reach for four arrows in his quiver.

“Enhance Armament!” Deusolbert’s Conflagrant Bow ignites, spewing fire all around him. “I am Integrity Knight Deusolbert Synthesis Seven! Those who stand before me, you shall burn so not even your bones remain!” He draws back on the bowstring and fires all four arrows at once. The resulting attack incinerates all Flatland Goblins in the arrows’ path, dwindling their numbers. Deusolbert grabs another handful of arrows and fires them in an arc, resulting in a devastating explosion.



“First, we’re going to restore the decimated Order of the Integrity Knights. Next, we’ll rebuild the Imperial Knights of the four empires. They’ll need to be retrained since there are not nearly enough Integrity Knights. I’m sure some of you are unhappy about this, but right now, saving the people is our top priority. I ask that you lend me your strength.” Bercouli asked all the available knights that were awake at the Cathedral right before the Cathedral Cedar appeared, and to this day, Fanatio has not changed her mind. She’ll follow her lord wherever he goes.

She scans the multitude of approaching giants for their leader, hoping to cause some discord before they reach the Human Guardian Army. She doesn’t take much time to spot the giant of giants and sets her eyes and the Heaven-Piercing Sword on her target. “Enhance Armament! Pierce… O Light!” A beam of pure light emits from the sword towards her target, but the giant chief moved his head just enough to get seared on the ear, while another giant tried to sacrifice himself to protect the chief.


“Oh, it’s started, huh?”

“It looks like Boss Deusolbert is doing his best.”

“The vice commander seems to be doing well, too.”

“But the left flank doesn’t look so go, does it?”

Medina looks away from the pair of junior Integrity Knights to the left flank that Eldrie commands. She hasn’t seen the rookie knight fight, but as of now, there’s not much she thinks he can do. Deusolbert and Fanatio have ranged attacks, Eldrie doesn’t to her knowledge. But she’s not as concerned about the left flank of the first unit compared to the left flank of the second. While she and Sheyta are composed, Renly is nervously shaking. Renly performed admirably during the Clamp Crisis, but the difference between humanoids and beasts is large. If he falters at the idea of taking away souls during this fight, not only is the empire in trouble, but the Supply Corps is threatened as they’re behind the left flank.

And at the Supply Corps is Ronie, Tiese, and Kirito.

Medina drops her gaze to the retreating juniors, believing they’re sneaking away from her side. She is used to their shenanigans, but whatever they’re cooking rarely leads to any good. Sighing, she decides to let them be. They have proven they can take care of themselves, so why bother? She much rather focus on what’s in front of her, now that the Mountain Goblins have crossed the border between territories.

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