Love and War

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Momiji, one hour after Jaymes entered the Underworld

“Okay, you two have been looking worried the entire time.” Sanya holds up a red bikini to her body and checks herself out while speaking to the two girls in front of her. She looks up at the unanswering girls and sighs. “How does this look?”



“Oh, so you can talk. First off, Nijika, you’re cute, I’m the definition of Russian beauty. Second, how are you both gonna impress boys this summer if you’re not looking at these swimsuits. Especially you, Momiji. You should look for something sexy.”

Momiji shakes her head and blushes. “Huh?”

Sanya chuckles to herself and looks at the racks. “Now spill. What has gotten you two down?”

Nijika sighs and takes her phone out her pocket. “It’s Joshua and Asuna. It’s been an hour and we haven’t heard anything from them. It’s bad enough we don’t know what has happened to Kirito now.”

“Ah. So the Crimson Warrior went after the Black Swordsman, leaving their girls to worry. Speaking of which, Nijika, when are you going to confess your undying love for Mr. Red?”

“I-I-I don’t like him like that! It’s just...well…”

“Sanya, stop messing around.” The three turn to face a couple approaching them. The orange-haired girl pinches the gray-haired and looks at Momiji and Nijika. “Someone doesn’t understand boys and girls can have close relationships without romance, which is clearly what they share with him. But of course, you and your stubbornness…”

Momiji chuckles. “It’s fine, Liten. Truth be told, I talked to him yesterday about that, and we decided to stick to our friendship. I prefer it this way.”

Liten smiles brightly as she releases Sanya. “See, Sanya. Get yourself a boyfriend, leave everyone else alone.”

“Uh huh, and you bring your trophy around to brag.”

Liten gasps and gestures to the dark-haired boy beside her. “Oh, yeah. Nijika, Momiji, this is Emiya, but you can also call him Shivata. We met in SAO as part of the Assault Team.”

Sanya returns her attention to the swimsuits. “Yeah, can’t tell how many times your romance as Romeo and Juliet has nearly gotten us killed.”

Shivata scratches his head and faces Momiji. “Never minding Sanya, I’ve heard some stuff about you, Momiji. We’ve all started playing GGO recently, so to hear Jaymes leads a squadron in GGO that’s pretty well-known and to hear that Liten and Sanya personally know the vice-captain as well surprised me. Oh, and to finally meet Rain is awesome too.”

Momiji smiles at the appreciation. “Joshua has told me about the ALS and DKB during the first half of the game. Having participated and won the last Squad Jam and gearing up for the big GGO update at the end of July, we know how competitive being in guilds can be, but romance behind the scenes...spicy.”

“And deadly.” Sanya picks out a somewhat risque swimsuit and holds it to Liten’s body. “Yep. Litty, you’re getting this one. Looks blood-rushing sexy, doesn’t it, lieutenant?” Shivata looks away, but his blush and nervous nod is enough for Sanya. “Good, it’s yours.”

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