Priestess of Light

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Dark Territory Army, Second Group

“Lord Sigurosig, Lord Shibori, and Lord Kosogi have all been killed in battle.”

Dee Eye Ell, leader of the dark mages, scoffs in her seat at the news reported by one of her subordinates. “Damn, so useless. Just a bunch of dim-witted demi-humans, after all! Were you able to pinpoint the Integrity Knights’ position?”

“We’ve already located the three we spotted on the front lines. We found three more in the rear, but it’ll take some time to get a fix on them.”

“Still only six? Or are there only a few of them to start with? Still, whatever it takes, we must slaughter those five without fail… Okay, release the minions. My command is… Fly for 700 mels. descend to the ground, and then, unlimited annihilation.”

“The demi-human unit of the front lines would get caught up in the fray at that distance.”

“I don’t care.”

“Yes, ma’am. How many do you wish? Currently, we have all 800 of the hatched minions on site.”

Dee Eye Ell takes a wine glass served to her and smirks as she faces the canyon. “Let’s see… All 800 of them.”



“They’re here,” Bercouli says as he gazes up towards the sky. From the red barrier-like light that stands in place of the Eastern Gate, he can see the sky littered with flying creatures. Minions, dark creatures of the dark empire. Alice told him the Central Cathedral had some on the outside itself, though he hadn’t investigated it.

The minions don’t fly too far from the gate ruins. Matter of fact, that is how far they come before their descent to the front lines. Bercouli thinks nothing more about it as the armored commander draws his large sword and holds it skyward. “Time-Piercing Sword! Air Slash!” Bercouli swings the blade, killing every single one of the minions in one attack.



“That was the Time-Piercing Sword under the Perfect Weapon Control art. Uncle made his move, I see.” Almost time to make hers as well. Alice condenses the ball of Sacred Power to fit her hands and begins to recite a spell.


Dee Eye Ell

“How can that be? No one told me that the enemy had a mage unit of that power!”

“I’m not sure...what happened.”

Dee Eye Ell calms down. So be it then. She won’t underestimate the enemy again. “The enemy’s flying dragons haven’t appeared yet, correct?”

“Correct. As of now, not a single dragon has been sighted in the skies above the battlefield.”

“Which means...that must be it. That was the Integrity Knights’ secret weapon, Perfect Weapon Control art. Still...who knew it was this… But using their weapons in that manner should consume a massive amount of life. They couldn’t keep up a barrage.”

“Chancellor, we’ve pinpointed the position of the three Integrity Knights in the rear. We now have all six in our sights.”

“Good.” Ell keeps her cool and walks back to her throne. Consuming a glass of wine, she issues out her orders. She’s looking forward to her first glory. “Ogre archers and dark mages brigade! All hands, advance! Once you’ve entered the ravine, begin the wide-range incineration projectiles incantation!”



“Why? Why is it that not only the humans of the Human Empire, but also the souls of the demi-humans, are generating a sacred power that’s so warm and pure? If the people of the Human Empire and the monsters of the land of darkness have essentially the same souls… If the only difference is whether you were born on one side of the mountains or the other… Then why are they...are we fighting?”

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