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I'm back!!

IMPORTANT! this chapter will have a tiny bit of *spice* so feel free to skip if u feel uncomfortable!!

Also I've never smoked a day in my life so if it's written incorrectly...oops.

Okay, enjoy. I've been terrified to release this chapter haha

I wanna be yours - Arctic Monkeys


"I want it." I say, turning my body slightly towards him. "Just teach me how."

He raises his eyebrow at me.

"I'm serious." I clarify.

He sits up better against the wall as a small smirk forms on his lips. "It's about time, love." He chuckled. "Come closer."

I scoot myself closer to him, close enough to smell the mixture of weed and cologne.

I know I've always thought that smoking was bad for you, I still think it is. But something right now is simply telling me to want this. I need something that'll make me feel less.

Regret can always come later.

He takes his blazer off so that he's left in an all black long sleeve button-up dress shirt and begins to dig into the small pockets of the blazer.

Once he grabbed whatever he needed, he abruptly pulls my legs across his lap to draw me even closer. The coolness of his rings contrasting with my warm skin.

I watch him carefully as he uses my bare thigh to roll up his blunt. Any other time I probably would've despised this, but right now I can't stop staring.

As my eyes wandered, what caught my attention was the red hair tie wrapped around his wrist.

My hair tie.

It was exactly the one he stole from me at the lake.

He still wears it?

I don't know why, but it makes me feel slightly better.

"Why are you smiling?" Roman interrupts my thoughts.

"Nothing." I shot out fast, embarrassed at the fact that I was blankly staring and smiling at him.

As he continues to use my thigh, I grab my own black hair tie off of my wrist and tie my hair back into a ponytail, avoiding any logical thoughts that could be telling me not to try this.

Roman's eyes meet my neck and my chest which are now exposed and littered with marks that he left. He smirks to himself and continues to light up the blunt again. I clear my throat anxiously.

"Alright, so when I put it between your lips, you're going to inhale it into your mouth." He says as the first instruction. "Don't let the smoke fill your entire mouth though."

I nod in understanding. "What's next?"

"You suck it into your lungs, hold for a second, then exhale slowly."

Sounds much simpler then I thought.

"Okay." I responded.


"Mhm." I hummed, the confidence I had in the beginning was dying down now that this is actually happen.

He places it between my lips, already lit. I do what he says and I inhale the smoke into my mouth.

"Good, now into your lungs."

This is where it went wrong.

I did it correctly and sucked it into my lungs, but that burning sensation that made its way to the back of my throat and directly into my chest completely turned me off. I turned away and coughed into the crook of my arm, as Roman laughed behind me.

92 daysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz