Meeting some old friends

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It was several years since he last departed; Meilo was back in his office not concealing a single thing about himself when he got a knock at his door and with a sigh he says, "Come in, the door's open." "You know when the souls outside spoke of the powerful deity of Limbo I wasn't imagining him to be laying face first on a desk." says an all too familiar voice, "And I didn't expect to be seeing you here Phil this early yet here we are." Meilo responds with a small but loud sigh and grumble, "How do you know me?" the voice belonging to Phil says, "This isn't the first time you've been in my office Phil; it's your 6th not 7th time being reincarnated, and why wouldn't I know Death's angel or the father of the man I love?" Meilo says as he stands up from his desk and stares Phil straight in his eyes, "By the way how are they?" "Meilo?" Phil says with disbelief written all over his face, "You just disappeared." "I know, I know." Meilo says with a small chuckle as he shrinks to a more comfortable height, "But you understand? I have work obligations I can't get away from."

After that Phil just gives him a hug, "Wait; if I could find you is Kristen here?" Phil says and after a moment, "She is...While Kristen is her mortal name she is the Goddess of Death." Meilo says as he grabs Phil's hand sand heads out the door startling the souls outside and heads to her realm.


After a long flight

"Kristen!~" Meilo yells, "I've got someone for you!" "Who is it dear?" she responds as she turns around taking her attention off her roses, "Phil?" "Delivered him here safe and sound without a scratch!" Meilo says with a smile as he watches Phil run over to her and engulf her in a hug with both of them smiling and crying.

He left shortly after that.


The next two were Ranboo and Tubbo.

Ranboo had died via suffocation while Tubbo died protecting Tommy when the castle was attacked.

"Say; Phil never did tell me how y'all were doing." Meilo says casually after they've calmed down, "Techno was and still is heartbroken. He thinks you've died and I guess that was true." Ranboo says with sadness, "Incorrect," Meilo says, "Can't kill what's already dead or never once was alive to begin with." "What?" Tubbo says with disbelief as he floats up to Meilo's face, "Yeah. Older than time itself...Never bothered to track my exact age." Meilo says, "Anyways; were exactly do you want to go? You can just wonder around here or choose to stay in either Limbo or the afterlife."


Next were Wilbur and Tommy.

Wilbur and Tommy both died in an ambush; sad, but they could finally reunite with their father which leaves one final man alive...Techno

[the crown went to Wilbur then Fundy since Techno didn't want to and did take the crown]


When entering Limbo the soul ends up under a white Gazebo in the center of a massive flower field; when creating the space Meilo wanted it to be as beautiful and peaceful as possible as a sort of seamless transition into the afterlife. There are multiple paths that lead to each respective afterlife though some appear to others depending on where exactly they should go.

But this is a special case and this is the first time his interns and workers have actually seen him leave his office normally with a smile heading to the gazebo and waiting.

The man he was waiting for came 10 minutes later.

He came in a broken man sitting down and not looking up, "I'm sorry." the man says, "Why would you be sorry?" Meilo says as he sits down in front of the man but doing this the broken man looks up, "M-Meilo?" "If anyone should say sorry it should be me. Techno, I'm sorry for leaving you in the manor that I did." Meilo says as he takes the man into a tight hug with his wings curling around him protectively.

That broke the small hold he had and he just started crying but soon tired himself out so Meilo just flew him to his own little side of his realm.


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