4| Sleeping With A Mop

Start from the beginning


"Game starts in 20, girls, go change into the uniform. Wear it proud and cheer with your heart!" I exclaimed.

A few familiar faces from our school were patiently waiting in the stands. I spotted posters that said go Eagles, assuming and hoping they're people from Highland.

The opposing team already arrived, walking past me.

"That poor Trevor fellow is getting shoved in the janitorial room." A guy with dark hair passed by whispering to his companion.

"Hey!" I called out.

"Yeah?" They both responded.

"Is that Trevor guy taller than me with lighter brown hair than me?" I asked running my fingers through my hair.

"Hey, aren't you Audrey Morrison?" The dark haired guy's friend said.

"Yeah, yeah, where exactly is he?"

"People are right. You are hot." He stepped closer, making me feel uncomfortable.

I looked around to see if anyone can help, but everyone was either busy talking to their friends or practicing.

"Thanks, but where's my brother?"

"I'll show you, stay here Marquez. My name is Jonny Fabio by the way." Both of us started walking away from the crowds of people in their white and red clothing with their posters, foam fingers, and accessories. The school doors were opened in case someone wanted to use the toilets. I'm glad our school didn't invest in porta potties.

"Um, so where did you see him?" I looked around the dimly lit hallways on the first floor. Most of the classrooms were locked, barely any teachers or students were here.

"Right around that corner," he pointed. "Can I get a kiss for being nice?"

"How about my number?" I half laughed. This guy had the guts to ask for a kiss from a girl he barely knew. The confidence was impressive, yet creepy.

"I'll take it." He shrugged his shoulders and walked away after giving him a random number.

My wet shoes squeaked through the never-ending hallway. But when I reached the corner, my brother was nowhere to be found.

"Gotcha!" Multiple arms grabbed my body, restraining my movement. 

"Hurry up! Tie her and throw her in the closet." A husky voice said.

"Please let me go. I'll do anything." I pleaded as a few tears started to form. The possible outcome of this scared me, my palms got sweaty, and I shook a little.

"She'll do anything! C'mon this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! The Audrey Morrison will bend to do whatever we want to her will!" A different voice said.

"That wasn't his orders." The husky-voiced guy spoke again.

That wasn't his orders.

That wasn't his orders.

Those 4 words echoed in my head until I eventually fell asleep next to a mop.


"Shit," Owen draped his jacket over me.

I missed the whole game, and we lost again. I missed both our first games. What sucked was that Highland Academy was such an easy school to beat.

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