After a moment of searching, they found a green ball resting in the corner above the doorway. Popping his head out of the ball of smoke, Zihao grinned. He raised a finger up to his lips, signaling for the two to be quiet. Hesitantly they looked away as if they didn't see anything.

Suddenly the smell of green tea filled the air. The dim source of light they once had become even darker. Green smoke filled the area in a thick blanket.

"Uh guys, are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Denki asked alarmed, he felt around to see if anyone was near him.

"Yeah, nothing." Jiro replied sarcastically.

"What a banquet of darkness."

A faint whooshing sound could be heard in the background. Alarmed, everyone faced that direction. Then it appeared again, but behind them. "For hero course students you really are ill prepared, did that week do nothing?" Zihao taunted; his usual smooth voice sounded hoarse.

Scowling Bakugo set of an explosion in the direction the voice came from. "HUH?! What was that smoke breath?!" Before he could set of another explosion, he felt heat covering his hand.

"Tskt tskt tskt, now now star head remember, this is quirkless fighting."

"But you're using your quirk?" Momo intervened.

Zihao forced the smoke to leave the room via the vents. Light permeated the room once again. After blinking a couple of times to get used to the light the class looked for Zihao.

"If that was a real sneak attack, you'd be dead already. Koda and Sato were the only two who spotted me before the quote-on-quote attack." He said before taking a drink of water. "And Russian doll girl, in a real-life situation you may not be able to even activate your quirk before they hit. I used my quirk to stimulate something that could happen."

Midoriya raised his hand.

"Grass face?"

"How did you stop kacchan's quirk?" He asked confused. He knew L/n didn't have a quirk like Aizawa's and to his knowledge he didn't use a quirk suppressant tool.

"All those notes and you still can't figure it out?" He asked with a wtf face, slightly challenging the boy to figure it out himself.

"Well," cue the mumbling. Midoriya pulled out his notebook from the depths of hell and flipped to Zihao's page.

"Uh huh, well anyway. Since everyone is doing internships next week, I won't see you guys. If you need help picking a hero, ask your teacher. Other than that, we'll have a free week so you can research or some shit."

"Wait really?" Sero ask his cousin, slightly skeptical.

"Why, wanna train?"

"Nope! We're good!" He forces a smile as he throws up two thumbs up.

"I got it!!" The freckled boy exclaimed.

"Let's hear it then." He replied unsurprised. He knew Midoriya was analytical about quirks, borderline obsessed with them. He wouldn't have been surprised if he did figure it out already.

"You changed the heat of the smoke to evaporate his sweat!" His eyes shined with excitement at a new development of Zihao's quirk. He knew that Zihao's quirk could have multiple uses, and it honestly made him feel slightly jealous.

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner." He made a smoke toy and blew it towards the teen.

"So wait, is that how you got out of my tape? You melted the sticky part?" Sero asked in disbelief.

Zihao smirked and nodded, "it took grass face 5 minutes while it took you almost your entire life."

"Man! I knew you were pulling some type of trick!"

Ring ring ring

"Go to class now shit heads, it's time for my nap." L/n swatted them away to the exit as the bell rung. 'Maybe I should've left out all the details about my quirk. Midoriya would be one hell of an enemy when it comes to brains.'


"So, you're watching the students when they go on their internship?" Aizawa asked tiredly.

"Yep, don't worry Ai you can leave it to me." He replied with a thumbs up.

Sighing Aizawa grabbed the top of his head. "I don't have a choice, do I?"

"Nope!" Zihao grinned. He was quite fond of Eraserhead, almost to the point where he might say he respected him. That doesn't mean that he didn't enjoy annoying him though.

"If anything happens to them, I swear-"

"I know, I know. You'll brutally murder me and hide my body where no one will find it. Chill out Ai, you'll get wrinkles." He said while motioning for the adult to stop talking.

"Nothing will happen to them, and if something does, I'll take the blame. You can relax, take a week off."

Grumbling Aizawa reluctantly agreed. He had no reasonable excuse as to why Zihao couldn't tail them. Besides he wouldn't do anything, right? It was just like a steak out mission. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Good! And in that case I'm going to see my way out. I have a city to memorize!" He waved to the male as he left the classroom. 'That was a lie, I already have the entire city layout memorized.'


"You've all got your costumes, right? Obviously wearing them in public is prohibited, and don't lose them either."

"Ughh it's such a shame I couldn't intern with youu." Sero dragged out as he draped himself on his cousin's shoulders.

Zihao rolled his eyes and shoved Sero off of him by his face. "Yeah yeah office supplies, get going before you miss your train."

Pouting Sero boarded the train and waved to his cousin through the glass. 'Such a drama queen, he's acting like I'm sending him to war.'

All of the students have left on their train by now, leaving only Aizawa and Zihao. The sound of rushing people could be heard as they watched the departing vehicle. As soon as Sero couldn't see him anymore his normal collected expression turned serious.

"You sure you can handle this?" Aizawa spoke, not taking his eyes off the moving train.

"Yeah, I do."

"Someone is being serious for once." The raven hair male raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"I consider this a job. You should know that taking any form of work lightly can get you killed." He turned away from the tracks and made his way to the exit. "I'll keep them safe Ai."

Aizawa watched Zihao figure leave the station with a hard look on his face. 'Just what kind of things have you seen to have that mindset.'

We're getting closer and closer to his past :) be prepared <3

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We're getting closer and closer to his past :) be prepared <3

Lots of emotions are coming up soon!

Happy new year!

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