little trip [little space fluff]

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Prompt: Karl and sapnap go on a road trip to dreams house! sickies part 2!





Sapnap pov:

        I woke up early to check on Karl. I had packed after he went to bed in case he felt better. I got dressed and walked over to his room. After I put him down for a nap, he stayed asleep. I walked in to find him still asleep. I closed the door and walked over to karls bed. "Karl... wake up." I whispered. I shook him a bit. He whined, not wanting to wake up. "Karl cmon! wake up!" I spoke a little louder. 

    He finally got up, but he was still in little space. "Hey, buddy! how you feeling?" I asked. "Beber.." he mumbled, yawning. "Do you still want to go see dede today?" I asked. He sat up rubbing his eye. "Dede?" he asked. "Yeah! I have all your ready to go!" I said. I saw him smile through the pacifier. "Come on! we have to get you all dressed and ready!" I said. He got up and toddled over to the closet. he looked around before picking out something and handing it to me to help him put it on. I got him all dressed and did his hair. I walked him over to the mirror so he could see his outfit.

The outfit ((Designed by me)):

The outfit ((Designed by me)):

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     He giggled. "Do you like it?" I asked. He nodded. "You look so cute in this!" I said squishing his face. he laughed more. "Ok! let's go! we have to leave early so we can get to Dede's house!" I said. "Nom nom?" he asked confused. "We'll get food in the car I promise!" I said. "But no weadys!" he said. "Dont worry cutie, I packed our bags when you took your nap!" I said. "Otay!" he said. I walked into my room ((They don't share a room because of streaming stuff-)) and got our bags. I packed one for me, knowing dream would share his stuff with me, and two for Karl. 1 of normal things he would need, and the other of little gear he might need. ((like bottles, onesies, toys, stuffies, coloring stuff, and maybe diapers idk if Im sure if I want to add that- we'll see later on!))

      I held them in one hand ((STRONG MAN)) and held karls with the other. We walked out of the house and to the car. I put the bags in the car trunk while Karl just stood there sucking on his pacifier. I closed the trunk and walked back to Karl, picking him up. ((AHHH MY FRIEND IS MAKING ME A CUSTOM PACI [HAPPY STIMS])) I brought him to the car and pick him in his seat, buckling him in. He still looked a little sleepy. I got into my seat and started the car. I started driving and saw Karl struggling to stay awake. "Yknow, you can take a nap for a bit. ill wake you up when we have the nom nom!" I told him. 

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