Oopies [little space fluff]

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prompt ((I now know this exists so ima start using it!)): Karl accidentally slips in front of dream and sap. This is when sapnap has to explain to dream and dream finally learns about who that person was. ((I FELT BAD FOR MAKING DREAM SO MEAN SO NOW HE'S NICE!))





dream pov ((Bet you didn't see that one coming)):

        "But yeah- that's why I stay inside!" Karl said with his iconic giggle ((I LOVE HIM AND HIS GIGGLE AHHHH)). I laughed. "I don't remember the last time I went outside willingly-" I joked. I never really got to talk to Karl. sapnap would always hog him- I mean to be fair that is his best friend. although I'm pretty sure he's just clingy to Karl. "Oh- hang on! ill be back- I'm going to get something to drink-" He said. "Ok- tell sap I say hey if you see him!" I said. "Ok!" He said getting farther away from the mic. 

[time skip to idk when maybe 20 minutes?]

       'where is he!?!' I thought to myself. I heard the door open. 'finally!' I told myself. I heard.... babbling? like if someone was saying "bababa" over and over again in a whispery tone. "Karl?" I called out. I knew Karl didn't have his headphones in. "Hi!" I heard. but it was in a very babyish voice. "Karl?" I was confused. "Yesth?" I heard. "Holy shit-" I mumbled. "Karl? why are you talking like that?" I asked. "Smol" he said. "Is sap with you orrr?" I asked. "Nope!" he said. "What do you mean by "smol"?" I asked. "wittle pace" he said. he wasn't paying attention anymore. 

     "Little space?" I whispered to myself. "can you get sapnap?" I asked. "Mhm!" he hummed. I heard the door close again. I heard it open again. "What do you need buddy?" I heard sapnap ask. "Hey!" I called. I heard sap jump a bit. "Dream?" He asked. "uh- yeAh-" I said. "Wanna explain what karls up to?" I asked. "What do you mean?-" Sap asked me. "Whats little space?" I asked. He didn't answer. he just whispered something to Karl.

Sapnap pov: 

        'shit-' i thought to myself. "Baby, what did you tell dream?" I whispered to Karl. "Nofing" He whispered back. "Baby please listen." I said. I knew he wasn't listening. he was distracted by who knows what. he turned towards me. "What did you tell dream?" I asked. "Smol" He said. "did you tell him your a little!?" I asked. he nodded. "Baby... why did you tell him without me?" I asked. "He asked meh!" he said. I drove my attention back to the computer. "What happened?" I asked. "Dont know- he just came in acting childish and said it was "Little space" or whatever" he said. I sighed. "You don't know what little space is?" I asked.

       "No? Should I?" he asked. "No, not nesacerally((I think that's how you spell it? if it's not just ignore it))- but ill have to explain it-" I said. I sat in the chair. Karl toddled over to me. he sat in my lap, resting his head on my chest. "So- ya gonna explain???" dream asked. "Oh- umm- Karl do you want dream to know?" I asked. he nodded. "Ok, do you want me to tell him?" I asked. he nodded again. "Ok, Dream." I said. "Yes?" He answered. "Little space is a coping mechanism for trauma, anxiety, stress, pretty much all that stuff." I continued. "Ok?" He said. "And Karl uses little space as a way to have his childhood again, due to some trauma when he was around 2-3" I explained.

      "Ohhh ok!" he said. "You're cool with it?" I asked. "Yeah! I mean- if it's healthy and a coping mechanism there's no reason for me to have an issue with it-" He said. I made a "Hm" noise. "Well- I guess that's all you have to know-" I said. "Question- was Karl the person you were talking to?" He asked. "Yup-" I said. "Cool cool-" he said. "Karl?" he said. "Yesth?" Karl answered. "How old are you?" He asked. "2!" Karl said holding up two fingers. I smiled. "Ok, so you're a baby?" Dream asked. "Yeah! but I is daddys baby!" Karl said. "Daddys baby? Whos daddy?" dream asked. "Me" I chimed in. "You're daddy?" He asked. "Mhm, I'm his caregiver. I go by daddy or dada when he's little." I said. "Caregiver?" Dream asked. "It means I take care of him while he's little yknow" I explained. "Ohhhhh ok- that makes sense-" He said. 

        "can dweam be da babytittew?" Karl asked. "If he wants to. Dream do you wanna be the babysitter?" I asked. "Oh- um- sure! i don't see why not!" dream said. "Yay!" Karl said, clapping. i smiled. dream laughed. "So does he just act childish?" Dream asked. "No- its like a headspace he goes into, it gives him the mindset of a 2-3 year old if that makes sense." I said. "Ok- ok- that makes sense. So you just taken care of him?" Dream asked. "Yeah pretty much. i make sure he's ok, he doesn't get in trouble, doesn't get hurt. stuff you would do for an actual baby." I said. "Hm- does he use anything when he's in this headspace?" dream asked.

       "Well he uses stuff called "Little gear". its stuff a normal baby would use. like bottles and pacifiers. its not in like a- um- THAT way- its to help him feel young when he's in this mindset." I said. ((STOP STOP STOP- I JUST FOUND A DDLG SMUT BOOK AND I WANT TO CRY- IT WAS ABOUT BAKUGO AND DEKU AND ITS JUST- NOOOOOOOOO)) "Oh ok. and he can control when he's in this headspace?" Dream asked. "Sorta- sometimes he'll slip on accident. like that one time on stream, he had slipped due to the game. but he can control it sometimes. if he wants to enter that headspace he can." I said. "Thats pretty cool to be honest-" Dream said.

karl pov:

       I was getting thirsty. i wanted juice :c "daddy?" I said tugging on sapnaps shirt. "Yes?" he said. "Juice pease!" I said. "Ok, ill go get you juice. dream, can you watch karl while I get him juice?" He said. "Yeah sure!" dream said. "Alright, stay here ill be back." Sapnap said turning on the camera ((So dream can actually watch him-)). i sat there playing with my stuffies as I waited for sapnap. "Dweam do you wants to meet my tuffies?" I asked. "Yeah!' he said. i giggled. "otay! dis is midter bear. he meh favorite! but don't tell the ofers! and dis kitty! she cans be mean tometimes but das otay!" I said. "Oooo! is Mr bear nice?" Dream asked. "Mhm! he always gives meh cuddles when dada ist homes!" I said. 

      "Thats nice of him!" Dream said. sapnap had walked in after dream said that. "Daddy!" I said. "Hey baby! did you miss me?" sapnap said handing me the bottle with juice. "How was he?" Sapnap asked dream. "Good, he showed me his stuffed animals." dream said. "Thats good." sapnap said. i wasn't really listening to what they were talking about. i was mainly focused on my juice. i let them talk. i was still in sapnaps lap. i had zoned out on I don't even know what. once I had realized and started listening again, sapnap was asking me something. "Baby, what are you doing?" he asked. "nofing." I said. 

       "really? You weren't answering us." he said. "I sure." I said. "Ok then." He said. i started zoning out again. but this time I knew one what. ((LMAO MY TEACHER JUST CALLED ME OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SUPPORT GROUP💀)) i zoned out on my paci. i was just staring at it. i think sap caught on. he didn't say anything. he just got up and got it for me. "Here you go bud." He said handing it to me. i smiled and put it in my mouth. "Ok- that's adorable- what the hell-" Dream said. "Dream- no- no cursing-" sap said. "right sorry!" he said. him and dream sat there and talked with me chiming in ever no and then.



Karlnap little space oneshots ((Brought back!!))Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ