Little space pt2 continued [still still fluff-]]

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Sapnap is in a call with dream while he has little space Karl on his lap. they have to try and be sneaky with little Karl as dream doesn't know Karl is 1) a little and 2) even in the room.






       "Sorry- but seriously- who is that?" dream asked. "What?" I asked. "I can hear you talking to someone!" dream said. Karl was worried. "could you understand it?" I asked. "No- but I heard the whispered!" dream said. "Ohhhhh- yeah I was talking to the cat-" I lied. Karl giggled. "what's so funny?" I whispered to him. "Meow!" he whispered back.

        I laughed. "You're a cat?" I asked. "Kitty!" he said. "you're a kitty?" I asked. "mhm!" he hummed. "Whos a kitty?" dream asked. "The cat? idiot!" I said. Karl giggled a bit. "Im not an idiot! I just wanted to know!" he said. "Oh yeah? well, guess what?" I said. "What?" he asked. "Idiot idiot idiot!" I said. 

      "Who are you? Georgenotfound!?" he joked. "I- yes I'm both British and color blind!" I said jokingly. "Nuuu! youw not geowge! youw daddy!" Karl said. "But baby, can't I be both? I can be George and daddy!" I said. Karl pout. "Nu! I onwy wike daddy! geowge is a meanie!" he said, crossing his arms. "You don't like George?" I asked. he shook his head. "You just want daddy?" I asked. "Mhm" he said nodding. "Ok, it's just daddy from now on." I said.

     he smiled and laid his head on my chest. "ok- Who the fuck is it?" dream asked. Karl was very uncomfortable and had covered his ears. "Dream! watch it!" I scolded him. "Right- sorry- but cmon man! who. are. you talking to!?! and why are you referring to yourself as "daddy" it kinda weird-" he askes. "Did you hear the other person?" I asked. "No- they were so mumbly and muffled- like if they had something in their mouth I couldn't understand what they were saying." dream told me. 

       "Then don't worry about it." I said. "Sap- you're talking to a muffled person and calling yourself "daddy" I'm concerned- did you like Kidnap, someone!?!" he asked sounding worried. "What!?! no! who do you take me to be!?" I asked. Karl was just sitting there as he listened to the conversation. he just sat in my lap, laying his head on my chest with his pacifier and stuffed animals. he looked like he was tired but didn't want to fall asleep. he kept rubbing his eyes to try and stay awake ((He assumes))

       and finally, after a good while of suppressing it, he yawned. "You tired?" I asked him. only to be faced with a slight shake of his head as he hummed "mmm" pretty much saying no. "You sure? you look sleepy." I said, slowly rocking in my chair. he looked at me with some very sleepy little eyes and landed his head back down. 

         "I no wants to go night night..." I heard him mumble. "Why not?" I asked. "Because what if I tuwn back when I wakes up? I till wants to be wittle.." he said. "How about this, you take a nap. and if you wake up and you're not in little space anymore, I'll help you back into it. alright?" I told him. "Otay.." he said. "want me to put you on the bed?" I asked. He shook his head. "Want to stay here?" I sorta already know the answer. "Mhm" he hummed. "Ok, you can stay here." I told him.

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