He was a dick. Nope. Gaining answers from him was not worth having him around. You had to chase him away. "Can you leave me alone? Please, if I'm such a peasant and you're an elite, why are you following me?" you pointed out. His features growing flustered, a dust of pink sprinkled upon his cheeks. You mentally fist pumped the air. He got caught and his weak ego wasn't having it. Embarrassed of his actions, he slowed down and disappeared off into the crowds of students.

You could breathe again. Alone and free at least, you could barely gather your thoughts before a large building milled by students appeared in front of you. It was beautiful... and so goddamn huge. Stretched out to hundreds and hundreds of miles, clean slated glass carved into an entrance led to multiple directions of the school. Freshly, soft, beige-brown paint accompanied by clear walls, the modernism of the place was unreal. Gardens on either side sprung rays of gorgeous flowers that brightened up the atmosphere. Unlike your previous school... this looked anything but a prison. To maintain such a place must be insane.

Following the other students into the school, you located the office when you saw a door with the sign OFFICE on it. Slowly pushing it open, you revealed a large room with a long desk carved throughout the room at a corner. Behind the desk were staff members sitting at designated spots, furiously typing away on their advanced computers.

You decided to approach the nearest office staff: an older woman with graying hairs that were taking place on her dyed black hair. She glanced up at you and you almost flinched. She looked rather... mean. Raising her eyebrows at you expectedly, she was already getting impatient. "Well?"

"I'm new at this school and I need the schedule for my classes," you told her, fiddling with your fingers in uneasiness. You didn't like how quiet the office was. There were no other students here; just a bunch of office staff excessively typing on their keyboards. It was unnerving, to say the least.


"[Y/N] [L/N]."

She typed some more on the computer. After a long minute of standing there awkwardly, a machine rang in the back of the room: the printer. Pushing herself up from her chair, she wobbled over to the printed papers and picked them up. She then handed them to you and motioned you with her hands to leave the room. Bewildered, you quickly did as asked and went back to the hallways. What the hell was that? What kind of service was that? Was this not their jobs?

Sighing, you shook your head. You were too tired to question anything at this point. Guess you would just blame it all on this new world.

The paper still in your hands, you looked down to inspect your schedule and see what your first period was.

1st Period: Martial Arts - Room 205

2nd Period: Archery - Room 113

3rd Period: Sword and Skills - Room 123

4th Period: Fist Fighting - Room 122

5th Period: Agility and Running - Room 108

6th Period: Education - Room 229

What... was this? You could barely believe your eyes. Was this a joke? What kind of classes were these? This wasn't supposed to be... like fucking Physical Education.

That office lady was playing you. She had to. You couldn't allow this to be true. Peering through the small window into the office room and seeing all those scary people once more, your confidence in confronting her deflated like a dead balloon.

Another lightbulb went off inside your head. Remembering the night that you died, you thought back to Riki's words when she explained the webtoon to you.

"Dawning High's foundation is on strength and skills," said Riki.

"Why? That sounds dumb," you scoffed.

"You're just saying that because you can't do anything physical for the life of you," she teased you.

"I mean, I'd prefer to be smart than be athletic. After all, it pays off more in the future."

"Not in this webtoon, it's not."

Blood draining from your face, the feeling of panic started to settle in. This wasn't what you signed up for! Graduating was one thing, but graduating because of certain skills was impossible for you. No wonder Kouki doubted you from becoming elite. You probably won't even graduate at this state. Just look at these muscle-less arms and legs. Weak. You were weak, unfit, and physically unhealthy.

A bell echoed throughout the building and you stiffened in fear. Countless of ideas on escaping the school entered your mind and the urge of it was strong. [e/c] hues flitting to the front door leading to the pavement outside, you told yourself to take a step towards it. But being the disciplined student you were, you couldn't bring yourself to skip. You wanted to scream at yourself. It wasn't the real world anymore, so you shouldn't care.

Good god, you were digging your own grave. 

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