Ch 10: Don't You Need Me? I-

114 6 14

Moscow, Russia - 4 CE

Arms deals between the A.S.S. and other NATO affiliated organizations had been intercepted by Russian spies at least three times now. It was alarming how easily they seemed to be able to find them. There was concern of high-tech equipment being used to track them down. But with the numerous safety measures implemented by their agency, it was highly unlikely.

The more probable explanation was a double agent- someone who seemed to be on their side but simply wasn't. Ironically, that led Curt to his current mission: becoming one himself.

Curt was undercover as a guard at the Russian National Archive building. Tatiana, remembering way too much knowledge for her own good due to her previous work with the KGB, spent weeks teaching him everything he needed to know. The nature of their security, the social hierarchy, the names of the people she should have known and the people she was forbidden to know all lived comfortably in Curt's memory now.

He stood outside the back entrance of the building, meant to be working a security shift as a stand in for someone else. His uniform was uncomfortable, but he lived with it, constantly adjusting the hat that was too big for his head as he waited patiently in the cold. He had been undercover for about five days and was going strong. He knew the basic layout of the place like the palm of his hand after just two visits. And now, with a little help, he could do his job.

"You look stupid."

"Nice to see you, too."

Of course, he had a little help. Making his way periodically through employee files, he was able to send Barb snapshots of the names of spies who had not yet been terminated from the KGB. But now, with many suspects to narrow down from, Curt had to accomplish his second task.

Curt needed to locate the stolen weapons of mass destruction. This was a harder task, and one that the A.S.S. didn't quite know how to approach. Curt's first attempt today would be downloading data from a laboratory computer to see if there were any files documenting the transport of such weapons or at least a blueprint of how they were planning to use them.

"Anyway, Officer..." Owen paused to read Curt's badge before continuing, "Igor, where am I going?"

Owen's role in all of this... well, Owen's role was one Curt wasn't too happy about.

"Why are you doing this?" Curt asked, genuinely.

"Whatever affects the A.S.S. affects MI6 as well, Curt. You know this," Owen stated simply.

"You know that's not what I meant... You could have gone under cover."

"Hmm," Owen paused, adjusting Curt's collar before speaking quietly, "Well. I guess I figured you're probably still better at Russian than I am." Curt's breath hitched at Owen's touch but regained his composure shortly as his hands left him. Curt knew he was joking, maybe even blatantly lying, but as he searched his eyes for the truth something seemed to change in Owen. And he was no longer readable. "Right. Now are you going to be stubborn or are you telling me where to get caught?"

That was Owen's objective: to get caught. His life served as a distraction really, from what was going on behind the scenes. As Curt searched for answers, Owen would be enduring torture. Then eventually– hopefully– Curt would come back to save him.

He hesitated before giving Owen the location. It's not like he could fight him on it anyway, he had no say in the matter. This was part of the job now.

"Find room 110B on the next floor up. There should be a wire near the doorway you can trip."

"See you, loser," Owen said and Curt couldn't help but almost feel mad at him for not taking this seriously. "Maybe," he added with a smirk as he brushed past Curt to enter the building. But Curt grabbed his arm just before he went.

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