Ch 6: You Said Someday We Might When I'm Closer To your Height

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Safe house - 2 CE

A yellow rotary phone sat on a coffee table. Curt was pacing back and forth in the living room, practically grilling the damn thing. He bit his finger with anxiety and anticipation, waiting for it to ring. On the other side of the rotary phone sat Owen in a brown leather chair, trying to keep his calm. He leant forward, elbows resting on his knees with his hands folded. He looked up at Curt.

"Curt, I highly doubt anybody saw her."

"But that noise."

"It could have been the receiver cutting out."

"It was someone else's voice. It was muffled but I know it."

"Curt, that could've been Cynthia for all we know. Other people have the number to your communicator." Curt looked down at his watch, which he had turned off after the incident. He considered what Owen said, but he didn't buy any of it and continued to pace. "If there's something you can't change, don't dwell on it," Owen said, trying to get through to him again.

Curt knew Owen was referring to their very specific situation, but his mind wandered. He couldn't help but think of how that philosophy pertained to him in his personal life. Sometimes it was necessary to dwell. Especially if the thing he was dwelling on was a threat to his entire future. This reminder only made him angrier.

"That's easy for you to say." He snapped at him.

"What? You don't think I care about Tatiana?" Owen raised his voice at Curt who stopped pacing in surprise. Finally letting himself go, Owen got up and began to walk towards him.

"No. That's not-"

"Who saved my life? Who did I spend last Christmas on a mission with? Who did I talk to all night at the gala while you were doing who knows what with Barb?"

"I told you to stop asking me about that-"

"My point is Curt: I care. I care a hell of a lot more than you know, so please," he took a pause to collect himself. Lowering his voice, he pointed to the couch and continued, "Please just sit down before I lose my mind too. Then there'll be no one here to be the voice of reason."

Curt looked up at him. A little embarrassed. A little intimidated. Then without another word, he walked past Owen and sat on the leather couch which completed the set to the chair Owen was in moments ago. But rather than go back to his original spot, Owen sat beside Curt.

Now the phone was in front of both agents, still taunting them with it's silence. Another two minutes went by without a single word.

Then Curt spoke up.

"I could be a voice of reason, you know," he said quietly in response to the comment Owen had made earlier. Owen gave a light hearted scoff.

"Curt the day you're a voice of reason is the day I'll marry you." Owen said, getting up to grab a beer.

"Well, it looks like we're getting hitched." No matter the situation (or perhaps in all but one situation), Curt couldn't help but be proud.

"Why? Are you interested?" Owen joked, refusing to call Curt reasonable.

"You suggested it. Ask yourself." Curt said in confidence as he got up and followed Owen to the kitchen, grabbing a drink himself. Owen rubbed his index finger and thumb over his chin in mock consideration.

"Hmmm. Sorry, love. Must be this tall to ride." Owen said, raising his hand up just above Curt to meet his own height. Curt scoffed and leaned against the kitchen island, taking a swig of his beer.

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