Ch 3: I'll Never Make It Right If You Don't Want Me 'Round

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London, England - 1 CE

"They're the only guards who are allowed to see us. And the password rotates in 30 day intervals, so we have until Friday night to..." Curt was finalizing a mission plan with Owen. He was leaning over the dining room table, pointing at various sheets of information, including blueprints and pictures of the building they needed to infiltrate.

Owen was having a hard time paying attention to Curt's plan that he had been constructing for the past few days. This was probably because, for the first time in his life, Curt had been constructing a plan for the past few days. Owen wasn't used to Curt putting so much time into thinking ahead.

In fact, Curt had barely spoken to Owen since his arrival. He insisted on picking up weapons, and other materials Barb had provided, alone. And when he wasn't entirely preoccupied with their upcoming mission, he was nose deep in paperwork.

"So that shouldn't be a problem as long as we use the vents to get from the storage room to the east wing. That's where-" Curt kept talking but his voice was fading in and out of Owen's head.

He remembered forcing Curt to do paperwork the last time he was around for it.

This behavior was unlike him. And so as great as it may have seemed to the average person, Curt's sudden need for efficiency was putting Owen on edge. Why was he overworking himself like this?

Curt always did his job, of course, but he did it with a certain calmness. Not that there was anything wrong with him trying to increase productivity, the problem was that Curt's determination was almost indistinguishable from panic.

"...and so we go out the same way we came in. What do you think?" Curt looked at Owen. Unlike the other times they'd seen each other since he had arrived, he gave him more than just a glance. He was searching for approval.

"I'm sorry, what?" Owen shook his head only slightly, trying to clear his mind. But Curt misinterpreted the action.

"Oh. You don't think it'll work? Which part? Or is it all of it? Did I miss something? Or-"

"No," Owen said, cutting his ramblings short. "Curt, you're fine. I just... didn't hear you."

"Any of it?" Curt asked, slightly offended.

"Yeah. I've been a little preoccupied looking at the bags under your eyes," Owen said. Curt looked down in embarrassment. "Curt, are you okay? Have you slept since you've gotten here?" Owen asked with a face of genuine concern.

"Of course," Curt said. Owen gave him a look, implying he wasn't buying any of his bullshit. "Okay, I didn't say I was sleeping well. I've just... had a lot on my mind," he admitted. He hoped Owen wouldn't push him for answers.

He let out a sigh of relief when his partner simply nodded.

"When was the last time you ate food?" Owen asked. Curt looked slightly to the right as if trying desperately to remember. He almost lied but Owen cut him off, "You shouldn't have to think about it that hard. How about water?"

"Does your caffeinated tea count?" Curt asked, only half joking. He hoped Owen would let it slide. Instead, his partner folded his arms and gave him a stern look.

"I'm serious." Owen said. Curt sighed in response. "Okay. Why don't you go actually rest. When you wake up, I'll have something ready for dinner. Then maybe you can explain all of this to me again," Owen said, gesturing to the mess of various papers on the table.

Curt looked disappointed but he decided not to argue with Owen. He was too tired anyways. He walked solemnly in the direction of the guest bedroom. When he settled beneath the sheets, Curt fell asleep almost immediately.

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