Ch 4: I'm So Excited For The Night

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A/N: This might be the one I'm proudest of, plot wise, so far. The sunset fic is still heavy in my heart. Leave comments if u wanna (they make my day) and be sure to vote <3


Virginia, USA - 1 CE

Curt and Owen hadn't seen each other since their last mission together in October (the very mission where they had first met Tatiana). They were forced to hide away in separate safe houses for a month. According to what Tatiana told MI6, the Russians were set on hunting them down; and so even after Curt and Owen's release, their agencies were hesitant to pair them up again so soon.

One unaccounted for strike and their two best agents would be gone.

And so they waited for the smoke to clear for a few more months. It was now April 27th, 1954. Everything they'd done up to this point was individual paperwork and low stakes espionage in sparsely populated areas. Therefore, there was a lot of downtime and isolation; and Curt's childlike energy was suffering greatly.

However, today brought good news for two of the world's greatest spies. They had both received invites to the upcoming NATO Peace Gala. They were being brought back out into the open. This gala would be thrown in celebration of Western Germany becoming a part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The room would be filled with different NATO affiliated politicians and other federal employees.

Most importantly to Curt, Owen Carvour.

It was evident that Curt and Owen would finally be allowed to reconnect. Not only for that night, but also for missions to come. Because if they were allowed to attend the event, that meant they no longer had a giant target on their backs. They were about to be freed of this hell.

Curt didn't care if it was technically against the rules to have any contact with Owen. He couldn't wait. He called him as soon as they got the news. Besides, how angry would their agencies truly get if they found out their agents spoke a month earlier than intended? What kind of power does a month hold?

"I'm so excited for the night," Curt said to Owen over the phone.

"Why? Miss me already?" Owen said, reminding Curt just how much he missed the sound of Owen teasing him- even through a rotary phone.

"Oh shut up. Someone's clearly desperate for an ego boost since they've gone so long without being Mommy's favorite," Curt said in reference to their lack of communication with Cynthia.

"Well I need someone to do it. Not everyone has a Barb who's desperately in love with them," Owen said.

"What?" Curt asked in disbelief, grabbing the remote and turning on the television in his hotel room. It wasn't that he found their conversation boring, but sometimes the agency chose to keep such a close watch on him that he felt the news was his only outlet to the outside world.

"Oh, maybe you've forgotten. Barb? The A.S.S's head scientist? You never did pay attention to her, Mega." Curt couldn't see it, but Owen shook his head as he scolded him.

"Oh please, Owen. That's not what I meant. I know who she is. You know I think I'd even consider her a friend," Curt said. Of course, he immediately questioned the validity of that statement. So did Owen.

"Oh, Curt. The way you constantly shut her down? That's not how you treat a friend. That's how you treat a fan... or- or a toy used for your own amusement," Owen genuinely criticized him. "Besides, she wants to be much more than your friend."

"Well, I don't... know if..." Curt trailed off, getting distracted by the news.

"And our breaking story this evening! After exactly one year of President Eisenhower's Executive Order 10450 being legally issued- we have quite the data on its success."

Fallingforyou - CurtwenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang