Chapter 1

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John:" Your dancing and singing career has been doing well. This acting job can really take you above and beyond."
You:" I know! This is why I really hope I get the role."
You just got done with an audition for a big role in a movie. John was one of the casting director that you auditioned for. Everyone had left since you were the last one and you were getting you stuff together.
John:" Do you really want this opportunity?"
You:" Yes. More than anything."
John:" Well, I really like what you bring to the table. And I think you have a good shot at the part."
You:" Really?"
He smiles and nods his head.
John:" But, it's not only up to me at this point. I'll have to talk to the director and producer to see how they feel."
You:" Well, I'll just have to wait and see. Thank you again."
John:" I might know of a way that you'll definitely get the part."
You:" Really? I'd do anything for this part."
John:" Anything?"

Once you realized that the casting director was trying to sleep with you, you got in your car and headed to the studio. Your dad was one of the biggest producers in the studio and was your co-manager with your mom. She mostly took care of your events while your dad took care of the music.
You finally get to the studio building and Lola, your dad's assistant, grabs you by the arm and start walking you to the elevator.
You:" Ow. What the heck."
You snatch your arm away from her and stop walking.
You:" What's your problem."
She looks at you as if you're stupid then turns on the tv in the lobby and what you see horrifies you.
Host:" Y/n Y/l/n's career has been incredible for someone who started only a year ago! How is she so successful?"
You:" What's the problem. They always-"
Host:" These pictures show footage of her with a fake casting director we hired. Turns out Y/n sleeps her way to the top."
You:" Oh my-"
Lola:" Why am I seeing this right now?"
You:" I didn't even do anything. It was only a kiss then I stopped it! I swear. How did this even happen?"
Lola:" Where did you even hear about this 'audition'?"
You:" Emily told me-"
Lola:" Emily? I fired her last week!"
You:" You fired my agent and didn't tell me?!"
Lola:" She's probably just trying to get back at me. But that's what she gets when she sleeps with my husband."
You:" But I'm the one that's going to be called a whore by the whole world!"

You start walking to the elevator to go to the studio.
Lola:" Look, this will all blow over in a week or so. Don't worry about it. This type of stuff happens to the best. You know that."
You:" I know but-"
Before you could finish, you found yourself on the floor covered in trash.
Janitor:" I am so so sorry Ms. Y/n. I didn't see you when I was coming around the corner and-"
He extends his hand to help you up but you help yourself up and pick the trash off of your clothes.
You:" Don't be sorry. . ."
Janitor:" But-"
You:" Just be more careful and watch where you're going next time."
Lola:" Yup, or you'll be the next one I fire."
You get on the elevator and press the number 19 button. It was the second to last highest floor where "the best", as your dad put it, go to make their music. What about 20th floor? "That's where they go when their careers are over." Why? "Because it has a good view before retirement."
You:" I hope my dad doesn't see that picture."
Lola:" Oh honey, the whole world has seen that picture."

You get to your floor and your dad is already waiting for you outside the elevator.
Dad:" My office. Now!"
Lola:" Well, see you later y/n."
Dad:" Both of you!"
You all walk down to your dad's office and he closes the door.
Dad:" How the hell could you let this happen?"
You:" I didn't mean for this to happen. . . Lola didn't tell me that she fired Emily so-"
Dad:" You fired Emily?!"
Lola:" Yes but-"
Dad:" Good. I never liked her anyway."
You:" Are you serious?"
Dad:" You need to be more careful."
You:" Can't we just say it was photoshopped? I mean I don't even look like myself in this picture."
Dad:" Even if we did they probably have security cameras or something that shows you going to that fake audition."
You:" Ugh! Why does this stuff have to happen to me?"
Dad:" Because you're one of the best. Which I'm actually surprised."
You:" Surprised?"
Dad:" You haven't done a song in 3 weeks and the songs you've already done don't have music videos yet. You need to get back to the music and dance studio."
You:" 3 weeks isn't even a long time. It was kind of just a break for me."
Dad:" For you 3 weeks is a long time. You have so many nominations this year already and you won't see any more of them if you keep 'taking breaks'. I want a new song and a video to go with it in 2 weeks. Got it?"
You:" . . . Yes."
Dad:" Yes what?"
You:" Yes sir."

Your dad leaves the room and you're left with Lola.
Lola:" A song and video in 2 weeks? Ha. Good luck with that."
You sit in the chair in the corner of your dad's office and look out the window.
You:" You know Lola, I don't know if I can keep doing this anymore."
Lola:" What do you mean? It's only been a year. You're at the beginning of your career."
You:" Exactly. I already have an album out that's sold over 2 million copies. I've gone on tour with so many people, hosted award shows, everything. And nothing seems to be enough for that man."
Lola:" He thinks it's just luck. How many people do you know that have done everything you have at your age and been successful? It's hard in the entertainment industry. He just wants to make sure you stay on top. . . And this picture might start bringing you down."
You:" This picture that would have never happened if it weren't for you. You should've have told me about Emily. What kind of assistant are you?"
Lola:" Don't get mad at me because the world is going to see you as a slut."
You:" Get out."
Lola:" You don't tell me what to do."
You:" But my dad does. And I can be pretty persuasive when it comes to firing you."
She rolls her eyes and walks out the room, slamming the door on the way out.

You hate having so much pressure on you. You're only one person. You continue to look out the window at the city. Soon all of these people are going to think of you as a whore. What if you-
Your thoughts get interrupted by the door opening and someone singing.
You:" Uh there's this thing called knocking. You should try it."
It was the janitor.
Janitor:" I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was in here."
You:" You say sorry a lot."
Janitor:" I know. I'm sorry. I mean. You know-"
You laugh at his stumbling.
You:" I haven't seen you working here before."
He starts cleaning up around the room.
Janitor:" I just started yesterday. I'm Austin."
You:" Austin. . . I'm-"
Austin:" I know who you are."
Of course he would. Who doesn't?
Janitor:" We had that smash up earlier."
You:" Oh yeah. I'm sorry about blaming you for all that. It's been an irritating day."
Austin:" I heard."
Great. He heard all that crap.
Austin:" I could never believe that you're a whore. You just got caught at the wrong place at the wrong time."
You:" What would you know about that?"
Austin:" You see what my job is now."
You:" Well that doesn't mean anything."
Austin:" Let's just say this job wasn't my first choice."
He smiles and wipes the door nob with the rag.
Austin:" I'm sorry I. . . I mean I'm not sorry I bothered you. I'll leave you alone now."
And with that he walks out the room.

Austin Mahone: Another ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now