Ah, if they even imagined!

"Can I know what's going on here?" Erin approaches with an unfriendly face. — Steve has finished the presentation and I think everyone can get back to work!

The crowd disperses, whispering to each other, and Erin stares at me, her eyes sparking.

After the incident with the presentation text, she certainly hates me even more than before.

“Look, Erin, I didn't mean to harm you, quite the opposite.” I try to explain myself because I don't want my situation with Erin to get worse. And I really didn't mean to. Her text was horrible!

"I underestimated you, didn't I?" She folds her arms across her chest. — I thought she was just a silly and incompetent girl, now I see she's a fool! Do you really believe she can pull my rug?

- Of course not! I'm not pulling her rug! I just fixed the speech and should thank me, actually...

"You wanted to appear to Steve!" Know that it won't do any good! And get really smart, don't mess with me again, because I'm putting you out of the company, was that clear?

I want to roll my eyes at your threats worthy of a Mexican soap opera villain. I know they are empty. Erin can't fire me.

Steve wouldn't let me and it's not because I'm engaged to him, but because he saw I was competent.

He said it himself, didn't he?

Remembering this leaves me with a great sense of satisfaction, making me manage to put a placid smile on my face as I stare at Erin.

"Clear as water." Can I go back to my table?

“We have to wait for Steve to finish with the press. Stick around!

Erin pulls away and I look for Steve. He is talking to two unknown men. I want to walk up and tell you what Billy saw and that we're fucked, but how do you do that with so many people around?

I lie in wait, and when the two men walk away, before I can take a step toward him, Mark, the HR vampire, approaches, showing Steve the tablet with a grave expression, and I realize the exact moment he discovered it. what Billy did.

Her dismayed gaze roams the room. I know you're looking for me and I want to run away. Okay, I know it's not my fault, I mean it's ours, but Steve is still the boss and everyone knows how loath to see his name involved in gossip.


What a big shit!

The room is now almost empty, only a few journalists still talking to Erin, who hands them the pre-release.

Steve comes towards me with Mark behind, alarmed: — Steve, I'm sure it's not Natasha's fault…

Geez, is Mark defending me?

“Oh hello Steve, I mean sir…Mr. Rogers and Mark.
I think… I think you've seen the bets? I swear I have nothing to do with it and…

"It's a big mess, don't you agree, Natasha?" — Steve says in the coldest voice in the universe, something like a Darth Vader mix
with Don Corleone.

Oh shit. He's mad.

No, he is furious!

“I'm sure Natasha regrets the mess, Steve. “Mark is still trying to put on hot cloths. “Billy shouldn't have involved you in this irresponsible bet. By the way, I should have ended this bet as soon as it started, I didn't think it would turn into this mess...

"Yes, it's Billy's fault!" I interrupt him. "Now how could he have come to such a preposterous conclusion, eh?" I think that's the question. How could Billy think you're my fiancé? How?…” I stare at Steve, trying to make him understand my alarmed look.

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