"I know the basic idea but can you tell me what you know, any details would be nice, like who is responsible for this plan. By the way you look very beautiful today, to be honest I am surprised you hang around me instead of getting a boyfriend. I know our class has pretty slim pickings as far as good boyfriends go but other classes or our seniors would definitely go for you."

In response to my compliment and teasing she started blushing a lot.

"Thank you for the compliment, you are quite handsome yourself. Ahem, anyways our class is grouping up to choose who to vote out during this exam as you know. A group that has steadily been gaining support is one that is purposing we expel Ayanokoji-kun, I don't understand why they want to expel him since he is completely average unlike most of them which are below average but that is their target. As far as who is leading this group it seems to be the perverted boys in our class as well as some of the bitchier girls in our class. I don't understand their problem with Ayanokoji-kun, if anything he is holding back and is worth even more than them."

"Your right, Ayanokoji being the target makes no sense logically for who our class should vote out. That is why this plot's origins are from another class, can you guess which one?"

"It wouldn't be Class B since Ichinose and Ayanokoji are friends so it either Class A or D, without Ryuen being active I would bet Class A. But why does Class A want to expel Ayanokoji-kun?"

"Think about this more logically Chiaki, one of the only people Ayanokoji hangs out with is Horikita, who is our class leader. Even if Horikita is becoming more open it is still true that the only one she treats like a real friend is still Ayanokoji, other classes will obviously know our class wouldn't vote out Horikita or Hirata so they are going for someone who is important to our class leaders but would be an easier target."

"So you think Sakayanagi wants to expel Ayanokoji to crush Horikita and Hirata's feelings, that is pretty cruel. From what I have seen Ayanokoji-kun is smarter than he lets on and is definitely more helpful to our class then he appears, if Sakayanagi knows that taking him out would damage our class severely. How should we help him?"

It is almost comical how she thinks we are equals, but once my book knowledge runs out we might be much closer in terms of our ability to see the workings going on. Building this kind of relationship with her will help me later on, I should tell her more so she can learn and grow in ability to see what is going on.

"Don't worry, there is no need for us to do anything. I know Arisu well since we often play chess in the library, her end game is not to get Ayanokoji expelled. It is true Ayanokoji is more than he seems and she knows he won't be expelled this easily, if I had to guess she wants to get one of those perverts expelled, probably one she has something against. If I was a betting man I would bet all I've got that the real target is Yamauchi, and he will definitely be expelled come next week."

When I talked about my time in the library with Arisu it seems Chiaki got jealous, to be honest it was cute, but still not enough to sway my heart. Since Fuka has been clingier with me recently I honestly don't have much desire for any kind of other sexual relationships apart from my existing ones with her and Sae. I will just play dense unless she confesses to me where I will have to reject her, I couldn't date her while piping a senpai and teacher after all.

"You seem to know Sakayanagi-san pretty well to call her by her first name, what makes you so sure Yamauchi is her target for expulsion, he is like the most useless person in our class, if anything her doing that favors us. Why would she have beef with someone like him anyway, not to mention she came to see him a while ago."

Since I know I might as well say.

"While we were at the mixed training camp Yamauchi bumped into her and she fell to the ground, from what I saw he offered her a hand while looking at her body with a weird, perverted smile. She didn't take his hand and got up herself and walked away, afterwards Yamauchi was acting like it was some romantic encounter but I know Arisu was very pissed at him. To her he is like an ant that doesn't know his place, and she will bring him to despair for his insolence towards her."

The girl I was speaking to seemed dumbfounded by my explanation.

"Is she that petty to expel someone for bumping into them? That seems really crazy, when I have seen her before she seems calm and elegant, but what you said makes her seems like a petty and cruel girl. I hope I don't do anything to get on her bad side."

With that we had some small talk and she left, when she was putting her shoes back on to leave she very intentionally bent over and completely flashed me, it was definitely bolder then I would expect from her but to be honest at the moment I was not in the mood for that kind of thing.

When I didn't do anything in response she left with a smile filled with melancholy, sorry Chiaki, you are definitely a great girl who is top tier but I am already near my limit of people to entertain.

I only have one spot left of girls I could possibly have relations with, and that is reserved in the unlikely case a certain kohai becomes interested next school year.

After my conversation with Chiaki the rest of the time went like normal, Yamauchi got exposed by Horikita as well, to be honest I was almost laughing at him when it happened.

Then just like I predicted to Chiaki Yamauchi was expelled and Ayanokoji won the protection point, well all that is left is the event selection exam. Whether we win or not is not crazy important but I want Ayanokoji to keep his protection point so that he is in less danger.

Well I guess it will all come down to the chess game I have with Hashimoto at the end of the exam, I wonder how much Arisu will allow me to maul him before she jumps in?

Aside from the next exam my life regarding Sae and Fuka had also changed in a few ways. For instance Fuka has dramatically lowered her arrogant and teasing way of speaking when it is the two of us, it is not as if now she is submissive or anything but now she treats me more as an equal compared to acting superior. To be honest it is kind for me to be show such an increase in respect so suddenly, I do like it though.

On the other hand Sae seems to be under the illusion that we are something akin to a married couple, whenever we are alone she acts completely submissive and shows me respect to such a level I find it a little weird.

I guess I was right when I said she knows that she is not good enough to make her dream of Class A into a reality with her in charge, that is why she has happily let me take control. With her letting me take control of her mission it seems like she has become completely devote to me, she already had some kind of romantic feelings for me after our tutoring finished but know she treats me like someone might treat royalty. I feel strange when I am around her but she is very useful and is fun to be around usually, not to mention she is an extremely hot women who at time begs me to fuck her.

Overall, my life since being moved to this world has become a completely shitshow, I am enjoying my time here but it is a very wild life. I hope it can last the entire time I am at this school.

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