Marcus Flint x reader

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You were watching Marcus's quidditch practice. He was really good at quidditch. He was a chaser.

You saw as Marcus dodged a bludger. He looked at you and smiled. His smile was very cute.

The practice was over and he went to the locker rooms. He took a shower, dressed up and left.

You saw as Marcus came to the Slytherin common room. "You were good." You smiled at Marcus. "I'm always good at quidditch." He said and sat down next to you. "I know." You said. You really loved how confident he was.

You guys started talking about life, mostly quidditch. Marcus was shocked by how much you knew about quidditch and he wanted you on the team.

"You just got a new seeker and I'm the best as a seeker." You said. "He is bad at quidditch! He just paid himself to the team. Or his father paid him to the team. I think you would be a really good seeker." Marcus said. "If you're sure." You said.

It was your first game in the Slytherin quidditch team. It was a big day since if you won Gryffindor you would compete against Ravenclaw for the victory.

"Hello everyone and welcome to the quidditch game. I know everyone is exited since Slytherin has a new seeker. She is nothing compared to Harry Potter though." Lee Jordan informed. "JORDAN!" McGonagall yelled. "Sorry professor. So, the bludgers are free and so is the snitch. The quaffle is in the air and the game begins!" Lee yelled.

Marcus took the quaffle at the very start and threw it to Adrian Pucey. Adrian accidentally threw it to Angelina Johnson and Angelina threw it to the hops and scored. "That's 10 points for Gryffindor!" Lee yelled and everyone from Gryffindor house clapped and cheered loudly.

The game went on until you saw the snitch. "It hasn't been like 10 minutes! I have to catch it and show Marcus how great I am at this!" You thought and went after the snitch. You caught it almost immediately.

"Y/N Y/L/N has caught the snitch! Dumb Slytherins win again by cheating! I mean- Slytherins win! Sorry professor." Lee said. McGonagall looked at him mad.

You landed down with your broomstick and ran to your team. Everyone hugged you. Everyone expect Marcus. "Y/N, meet me in my dorm when you're ready." Marcus said.

You had already dressed up and showered and you went back to the Slytherin common room. You remembered that you had to meet up with Marcus.

You stepped to his dorm and he locked the door. It was just you and him. "Are you mad? Did I do something wrong?" You asked. "What? What makes you think that? I wanted to say thank you for letting us win. You were so great today. You are definitely going to be on the team. If you want to, of course." Marcus said and sat on his bed. He signed for you to sit down next to him and you did. You could smell some cologne that Marcus used. It was silent. Your eyes were locked together and you just stared at each other. Not awkwardly more like romantically.

Slowly Marcus placed his hand on your cheek. He cupped your face and leaned closer. You were there for about 5 seconds. Then he leaned in a kiss. You kissed him deeply. You never felt something this amazing and he was a great kisser.

⚠️SMUT WARNING (I'll tell you where to skip if you do not want to read smut)⚠️

The kiss started getting heated and Marcus slowly put his hand under your shirt. He broke the kiss and took your shirt off. He stared at you for a moment and you just nodded. Then he pinned you on the bed and started kissing you again, this time way more heated. He started to go down, kissing your neck, leaving hickeys there. Then he stopped and took his shirt off. He was still wearing his quidditch sweater. Well not anymore.

He continued kissing your neck, making you moan a bit as he hit your weak spot. He continued kissing there when he realized that he had found your weak spot. He sucked the place, making you moan even harder. He undressed you completely and continued kissing your body from your cheek to your stomach. He slowly licked your pussy making you moan again. He kept eating you out. You moaned loudly when you felt his tongue go in and out on you. He continued until you came in his mouth. He sucked all the cum and swallowed it. Then he took off his pants and boxers and started thrusting in you. You moaned as you felt him inside you. He fucked you fast until you both came.

"You're a little slut~" He said kissing you gently on the lips. He cleaned you both up and gave you his hoodie to wear.


He pulled you on his chest and hold you gently. You smelled the hoodie he gave you and it smelled amazing. Then he kissed your forehead. "God I love you so much." Marcus said. "I love you too." You said.

A/N : 873 words! I take requests! Please leave them in here. English is not my first language so this might not be so good as I thought.

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