Luna Lovegood x Reader

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You and Luna were about to go on a date. You were going first to feed the thestrals then watch a movie.

You were walking through the Forbidden Forest and heard a small squeak. You couldn't see thestrals but you could hear them. Luna took an apple from her pocket and handed it to the thestral. You saw as the apple disappeared.

"They are really cute aren't they?" Luna asked. "Oh I can't see them." You said. "I know." Luna smiled. Luna took your hand and placed it on something. Something invisible. You petted it and it made a noise. You smiled. "I knew you would like them." Luna smiled. She tucked her hair behind her ear. She was really pretty.

After feeding the thestrals you went to your dorm room. "So this is a muggle thing called a tv and you can watch stuff with it like movies or series." You explained. "I do not understand but it seems like a nice thing." Luna smiled. "You'll see then." You said. You chose a movie you thought Luna would like then you and Luna started watching it.

Luna slowly made her way closer to you and hugged you tightly. You guys started cuddling as you watched the movie. Luna eventually fell asleep in your arms. You kissed her forehead. "I love you, Luna." You whispered.

A/N : 225 words! Really short one. I take requests! Please leave them in here! I love you guys!

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