Siya laughed and kissed his cheek and wished him happy journey.

As anu engagement got fixed sid came in two days and thought to say it siya and waiting for her in balcony as its around five as they both talk like that.

They even childish thinking about their acts but they want to cover the distance and enjoy the every moment. The little things little talks little time infinity memories. They both felt crazy and happy at a time.

Sid decided to say about annaya engagement and he is waiting for his doll looking at time. Suddenly,he heard a loud voice "you bitch"

Immediately sid recognised the voice as its kusuma voice and felt worried 'now what's wrong with this women always targeting my doll" sid cursed inside and moved outside to go and talk with them but suddenly he remember the promise and went to balcony while clenching his fist.

"Don't you have any shame that you loved someone and decided to run away" kusuma said and slapped her where siya clenching her fist

"I didn't try to runaway, infact I said what I want do so its not I'm going with someone" siya said harshly as she fed up of their accuses.

"Ohh, are you thinking it's a great idea and let me say you what kind of a person you choose" kusuma said where siya crying her head started to pain because of slap

At the other side "what the heck is this, what's happening there" sid thought

At the same time, "why are you behaving like this. He is not good one leave him" khushank saying to siya.

'Just shut up man its all because of you if you are quiet then my life would be smooth and that bastard prashanth hell irritating that I shouted and you heard my fate" siya cursed but didn't said anything.

Meanwhile, siya father madhukanth and her uncle shiva came to home.

"Do you have any idea what you are saying?" madhukanth asked

"Its not my fault dad, every time she says the same thing get out get out of the house and today I decided to leave" siya said with tears.

"If you decided to leave then listen I won't let you live anywhere not only you and with the one you decided to go" madhukanth said

Listening to madhukanth words sid stood shock what they will kill both of them what the hell is this and what's going on siya loved someone and trying to move with someone.

"What's wrong, siya didn't say that she is informing to her parents then what is this" sid thought

"I know this is will be reaction from, you guys, so I said to him already to be careful and once I leave from here I will fly away from you people that now I fed up and I don't want to live with you anymore nor I ask anyone help." Siya thought inside

"Give me his number I will talk if he is good then we will discuss" shiva said but siya didn't gave as she feels her uncle is cunning.

Shiva took phone from her as prashanth started to call siya as she asked him to see good hostel for one week and later sid will come and talk with him instead of saying it on phone and make him worry.

At other side, someone knocked the sid room, "Bhai, please help my mother fell down" the small kid said while crying hard

Sid went leaving his phone inside to the opposite flat to know what happen ' there the kid mother got fists and fell down.

Sid immediately took hold of her and rushed to the hospital where the kid crying who had 10years.

"Bhai what happen to mom" the little kid asked

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