"She iz young woman, Comrade, not a child.. Just becauze you treat her az such, does not make it so.. You underestimate her, az you have alwayz done to thoze closest to you.. It iz your failing that you do not know what iz in her soul.."

He steps up close to me, puffing his chest and flexing his arms.. "Don't you fucking talk to me about souls as if you have one, you black hearted bastard.."

Katya slinks in behind me out of pre-progammed fear that our argument will become physical, she had been exposed to violence in her youth and the damage done is a scar that still haunts her.. "Guys, please stop it.."

I cast a sidelong glance back to her before lifting my hands in concession, prepared to make peace.. For the sake of Katya, Kirby and Lucky, I will not fight with Hunter Paxton..

Besides, I can admit that I hold an affection for the young man, just as I do for his wife and children.. I am wise enough to know it is not me who he really has a problem with.. His issue is not with me, rather it is the man he sees when he looks in the mirror that he despises.. "I will make no pursuit, Comrade.. But I will not turn her away when she seeks me.. I owe to you nothing, Brat Paxton.. You forget your place iz no longer in Langley, and Red iz gone.. You are a free man, az am I.."

"I shouldn't have known I couldn't trust you to honour any agreement we ever made.." He shakes his head with a bitter grunt..

"Da.. I am az you say-- black hearted bastard.. But at least I do not pretend to be anything otherwize.. You may tell yourself you are 'ze hero of thiz story, my boy.. But thiz iz all fantasy.. You are more like me 'zan you wish to know.. Reconcile with thiz truth, make your peace with it, Tovarisch, only there will you find absolution.."

"Sonofabitch.. I'm nothing like you.." He drops his shoulder into mine as he shoves past me to walk away and I smile to myself as Katya reemerges beside me..

"He hasn't changed one fucking bit.." She mutters in judgemental frustration..

"Nyet.. He iz good man.. I give to him much guilt and anger all thoze years ago.. It iz what makes him strong.. One day he will thank me.. Until 'zen, he iz ungrateful shit, az all sons are.." Watching the moody Marine walk away in a huff I grin to myself, I like to think if Ivar had been given the chance to grow into a man, he would have been much like Hunter Paxton.. Headstrong, determined, protective and well loved by his family..

He is the son I never had the fortune of watching come into his own..

"I will never forgive him for keeping us apart.. But I didn't mean to cause a fight.." Katya grabs onto my elbow to draw my attention down to her.. "I came here to thank you, Kostya.."

"Do not worry your beautiful mind, Moya doch'.. He will forget hiz hatred ov' me the vury next time he seeks my favour.." I pet her rosy cheek with the back of my knuckles and she leans against my hand with a comforted sigh..

Reaching into her bag, Katya produces the gift of a bottle of dark plum Rakija, inside it floats hundreds of small flecks of gold.. "I know the sacrifices you have made will weigh you down forever.. I can never repay all it is you have done for me, but from now on, I will be in your life.. I never want to lose you again, Tata, I love you so much.."

With a sniffle and a sob she throws herself against me and her slender arms wind around my waist as she holds me tight.. I wrap her in my protective embrace in return to inhale the scent of her perfume.. Like apricots and orchids and maybe just a hint of vanilla..

This sweet, darling girl.. She is a missing piece of my heart returned to me.. The only family I have left in this life.. My only connection to The Old Country..

The last reminder of my home and the man I once was.. "Ya tebya lyublyu, Katya.."

"Konstantin?" Behind me a shy squeak of sadness and shock pieces the quiet night and Katya jolts in surprise as I release my daughter to turn around.. There I find Lucky, standing small in her tiny pink sneakers and skin tight black jeans.. The fuzzy white faux-fur of her fluffy overcoat bristles in the breeze as she blinks up at me, frozen in apparent horror, crestfallen to find another woman woven into my arms..

Her enchanting emerald eyes flick between Katya and I before she steps forward to hastily push a sealed white envelope into my hands, stuttering out a forced apology.. "S-Sorry I--I didn't mean to interrupt.. I just wanted to give you this-- O'kay-- bye.."

Without a second glance my way she turns and begins to hurry off, practically jogging back down the sidewalk from where she appeared..

"Wow, upala mu sekira u med! Your axe did certainly fall into honey, my darling Kostya.." Ekaterina coos in tart, teasing interest as I take an immediate step forward to follow Lucky's light as she leaves me behind.. "Whooo is that beauty and why is she so mad?!"

"She iz my sunshine.." I grunt with a cuss.. "Blyat'! Stay here, Katyusha.."

I stride after Lucky as she retreats, slinking away to disappear between the patches of lamplight that line the street.. "Luchenskaya! Moya luybov'! Stop!"

Already I have broken my word to her brother.. Not ten minutes ago I had agreed not to pursue Lucky and here I am, chasing her down the street like a lovesick puppy..

I cannot help myself.. Around her I am as hopelessly naive as she is.. I am defenceless.. What's more, there is so little desire left in me to fight what has begun to feel like fate..

Finally Lucky slows her pace, whirling around to face me, her shoulders shuddering and her sandy blonde curls whipping in the cool wind to stick to the tears that streak her flushed pink cheeks.. "I fucking lied to protect you! I spent the whole day answering police questions, worried out of my mind that you were in trouble, and all this time you're doing damn fine! You're just like Darby.. Like Brody.. Like every fuck-boy asshole I've ever met-- Do you have any idea how stupid I feel right now?! YOU'RE A TWO-TIMING PIECE OF SH--!"

"Nyet! Malishka, it iz not like thiz--" I take a step into her but she shoves me hard in the chest, her aggression a stark contrast to her usually soft and sunny demeanor..

I barely feel the impact of her assault, but the pain of her confused sadness wounds me, though for what feels like the first time in my life, I am entirely innocent of that which I am accused..

I am not like the men who have attempted to gain her favour in the past, those who would seek to conquer her or control her..
I only wish to please her.. All I have ever wanted was to watch her smile.. That smile that could light up even the blackest of darkened dungeons, just as she had illuminated the warmth in my heart..

"No! I don't want to hear any more of your lies!" She shoves me again.. "You giant fucking jerk-face! How could you--"

"Solnyshko, zatknis' na khuy! Allow me to fucking speak before you accuse me!" I snap at her with a harsh growl, grabbing her tiny hands to prevent her attack and she finally takes pause, sniffling up at me, peering through watery eyes from under a mat of wet lashes with a wobbly bottom lip.. "Katya iz not my lover.. She iz my daughter.."

RED REAPER - Soldiers Of Fortune [book one]Where stories live. Discover now