III ; Luna & Lychee

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Okay, I admit, these rules aren't one hundred per cent full proof. I mean, of course, they're not, but if I had to stumble across a set a while back... They'd sure be convenient to have right now because I would have prepared myself to follow them. Now, I'm stuck with making my own rules.

So, of course, when we found Luna and Lychee, none of us were prepared to babysit. As if the 'End of the world' wasn't enough already. The author of this stinking book just had to throw a kid in the mix too.

We were oddly lucky that night. Turns out this forest reserve had been closed all season due to the increasing appearances of wild animals. These animals included; bears, wolves, raccoons and many more untamed forest roaming beasts. So there haven't been any other people around, just us, which is a good thing.

I think...

I'm about two days away from going insane.

Darcy checks the food cabinets every five minutes, preventing us from eating irrationally. Then we have Yellow, who tries relentlessly to get into the food cabinets every three minutes. Luna is constantly searching for that damned cat, and Marcus fiddles with a walkie-talkie from dusk till dawn. Long story short, his father gave him this in case of emergencies.

It's been like this since we got here. We've all received little assignments from Darcy. I was told to look around the house and make sure everything was still in place. I found nothing strange other than a broken window. But everything else seemed to be in order.

Getting back to Luna, she and Lychee were the first ones we found since we left the city. The poor girl was stranded on the side of the road. When we asked about her parents, she responded by not saying anything. We all understood what that meant.

She took a while to speak to any of us, and when I say a while, I mean precisely two minutes. By the time Yellow noticed the flea-bag, tucked away in Luna's backpack, all hell was loose when he tried to pet the thing. That very second, Lychee leapt out of the bag and clawed his way onto Yellow's terrified face. Luna's horrid screams filled my ears while Darcy stomped onto the brakes and brought the car to an impetuous halt.

It took almost all of us to tear that ball of orange fur away from Yellow. Yellow ended up with multiple scratches on the left side of his face. It's the one thing that stupid cat ever did right.

"So what will it be?" Darcy's voice draws my attention.

"What?" I question, confused.

"Weren't you listening at all?" She throws her hands in the air, "We were deciding what to call those mindless zombies."

"They aren't mindless zombies?" I arch a brow.

"Please stay tuned for more information." In a swift movement, all of our heads turn to the TV.

A woman's face stays still as the audio glitches.

"Yay, you fixed the TV!" Luna says excitedly.

The screen goes dark, but within seconds a man dressed in formal attire shows up and begins to speak. "This following message is broadcasted to all nations. I repeat this following message is broadcasted to all nations."

The same woman from before replaces the man and gets ready to speak.

I keep my eyes glued to the TV screen as this is the first form of any information we've received from the official leaders or actually the first word from anyone else in the world.

"This new deadly virus has killed more than fifteen per cent of the world's population in a matter of weeks. This is the first time in history that a virus has killed to such an extent in such a short period of time. Government Officials have advised all civilians to stay inside." She spoke on, "the following footage was sent by Commander-In-Chief Daniel Lopez."

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