chapter 12

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Italy sucks at adoption and custody on single parents  for the most part when they have always  the grip  of me being an active  lgbtq community member. I did not know coming out would genesis this tale . Before any other tale  , i am going to be pointed at in the court is me being single which they cant allow to have custody of and secondly  I am gay ,oops is it horrific ?   . I am unaware since i have known this world ,  what these rules are for when a human in his /her capability  can nurture the child without limits . These worlds in world  are living in another age previous  then stone ages  where people are not open enough to emancipation , actually it is no where emancipated .woww !, should have thought about it before waving the pride flag on open streets , miss.  That is the different story . Dolls have summoned us to his office till 12 and i am on my way . Things are convoluted , but  let it cost anything in my posession i do want to have her custody . Thoughts errupting in my mind , is it wierd to get attached to some random street lad too soon , am I hasting in decisions.

The sun is shining bright in the sky , uncovered , and travelling along my car , my heart holding its pace on the beats and I am nervous . Anini always wanted a baby girl for both of us . Its 11 : am and morning rush does not triggers alot . One direction are always my partner in journeys . I never liked BTS and thats where Anini started liking me . she was though one  from the army . Another reason why I hated them .I am going slow passing each street light , enjoying the pale winter on the road dancing with untaming lads . with in half an hour , i was against a glass laden multi storey building . why is called building when its already build ?

well i take a deep breath inhaling fresh air around and analyzing my encircling that I like to adjust in   first . I was in the middle of stupid thoughts while entering into the building . Usual hustle and bustle ,tip tap of footsteps  and official phone calls . the first thought that hits my brain cells then anchanting me more  while entering an official venue is , how indifferent people can get to the sorroundings , and to those they have been enclosed by . well thoughts apart , I take the elevator for  fourth floor . I guess my heels are not clicking loud  on the floor. Before storming though his office door  , I tuned  myself up again , pushing hair at the back of shoulder making sure my earrings are overt .

door opens with creak  (i am not at a horror set , am i? )

each eye budges at  me , here let me take a note of everyone present here . noticing from right corner of the room , i see hunera (my friend and lawyer), sitting with her fiance ,Gabriel(a dancer , one of my patient before and extremely sweet peraon), Dolls (on his office chair looking at my entry), in front of him sitting Alina (the doctor and my best friend) and in the left corner one of the assistant of Dolls . I know him I  guess .

"are these stare same at each entry or am i special ?"

i was clear enough to let them break their stare , but why was that stare for .they did in unison

"we did not expect you to wear earrings" hunaira said pointing to my long owl shaped earrings .

"i thought to try them "i made it short  while occupying a chair next to Alina

I wore red office suit with black heels .
"fine , so i have summoned you all here for an absolutely important issue " dolls continues"i need to discuss about how can we mend the case in our favour which exactly hasa little chances to be .

"Court will not allow custody to Vanilla , considering her gay fame " his assistant informs , which was already informed .

"How about we bring a fake husband for vanilla "Alina highlights here stupid idea.
"what!  ..Noo!!! , i am not gonna play a role and begin a new drama , which i already dont like at all "I almost yells , my voice echoes the room.

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