Chapter 12: Darkness

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I wake up. Throwing up. I'm still in the middle of the woods. Still tied to the tree. I'm alone. Shelby left. She stole my watch so, I have no idea what time it is. It's pretty dark. So, must be a day has already passed. I throw up more and more. Then, I start coughing. The boys had to leave in the morning to go to a different state. I wonder if they left without me. Dan wouldn't let that happen. At the same time, I left without him knowing. I don't know what to think. I continue to throw up. I lean my back against the tree and sit there. No cars really go down this expressway. Maybe they do, I'm just farther away then I thought.

I see a flashlight. Is someone saving me? Is that Dan? I smile. Wait no. It's not Dan. It's Shelby. She shines the flashlight on me and I squint my eyes.

"Still not dead or found yet?" Shelby says "Perfect."

"What do you want?" I ask her choking up.

"I want you to suffer. I should be with Dan! Not you!" Shelby says "they're leaving for a new state tomorrow if they can't find you! I told them I'd search this area. So, then I knew they wouldn't come back here. Ha."

"How are you talking to them" I asked "You literally we're gonna kill Platz!"

"Exactly, I'm playing like I love Platz. I told him if he says anything then I will kill him"
"Gosh, smart but what happens when you get caught?" I ask.

"Oh hun, I'm not gonna get caught"

She leaves. I'm stranded here.

A few hours later I hear leaves crumbling. Like someone was stepping on them. The sound gets louder and louder. It's probably Shelby.

"SKY!" A familiar voice yells. It's not Shelby.

It's Platz.

"Platz!" I say weakly.

He runs over to me and kneels down.

"Why did you come here?" I ask.

"I figured since Shelby was the one who wanted to go here so bad, she had something to hide" Platz says.

He takes out a pocketknife and cuts off the tie. My wrist is bruised from the tie and all my scars.

I try to stand, I keep falling. Platz throws me over his back and walks for a long time. Eventually, we see his car. He lets me lay down in the back seat. Which, was kind of scary because Platz isn't the best driver.

I see the tour bus. Dan's eyes. Red and puffy. He's been crying. Wow. Dan runs out of the tour bus as fast as possible to talk to Platz. (Since Platz's windows were tinted, he couldn't see me in the back)

"Did you find her?" Dan says.

"No." Platz says.

Dan starts crying.

"I don't know who her is?" Platz says.

"C'mon. It's not the time to be joking around."

"Yes it is because you just got pranked!"

Dan opens the door to Platz's car to see me.
"Oh my gosh. SKY!" Dan says.

I can't stand so I reach my hand out.

"Oh yeah, one thing she can't really walk and when I found her she had puke surrounding her. Ew" Platz says.

"Don't you think she needs to go to the hospital?"

"Probably but we need to get on the road."


"Yes." Platz says quietly.

"Then WHY? Why can't you just tell me already!" Dan says.

"Well, I got kidnapped at the bar by Shelby and she called you guys and Sky picked up and Shelby said she needed money and Sky. So, Shelby let me go but, took Sky. She said if I told you I'd die. Then, I found Sky in the middle of the forest tied up to a tree." Platz explains.

"We need to call the police! Before Shelby finds out. She's in the tour bus taking a shower."

I see Dan on the phone and notice something. He's soaked in water. Like he just took a shower. Really Dan?

"Dan..." I say weakly.

"What hun?" Dan replies.

"Why did you take a shower with Shelby?" I ask.

"I didn't?" Dan says.

"You're wet like you just took a shower. Stop lying to me" I say.

"Hey Sky, Dan isn't wet at all." Platz says.

Am I seeing things? I see red and blue lights. Finally. Shelby gets to go to jail.

I see them walk out of the tour bus with Shelby. Her face filled with rage and anger. As I see her get pushed into that car, I feel secure.

Dan gets in Platz's car in the back and puts my head on his lap as I lay the rest of my body down.

Dan carries me in. He's running and I start to feel dizzy.

"Dan stop running or put me down" I yell.

He puts me down but I fall. Ugh. I can't get up so Dan sends Platz to get a wheelchair. Minutes later Platz comes back with a wheelchair and a bag of pretzels.

"Really?" Dan says "It's not the time for eating you know?"

"Well, you know your girlfriend, the one that hasn't ate for like 2 days. It's kind of for her" Platz says really sassy and then hands me the bag.

I can't open it. My hands are weak like when you first wake up in the morning. I hand the bag to Platz and he opens it.

It's never been so happy to eat food. I eat slowly though. I'm so happy. Happy to be eating.

We get into a room as fast as about 2 minutes. Celebrity treatment. I wonder if Dan and the rest of the band of course, wants to be treated normally.

"Guess what? The lead singe-" Someone says outside our door.

I look over at Dan and he rolls his eyes. A doctor walks in and checks me out.

"Have you had any drugs?" He asks.

"Well, when the girl kidnapped me she injected me with something. A lot of it" I say.

"That something was heroin." The doctor says.

"That explains why I passed out for a day and woke up throwing up" I say.

"She can't walk." Dan screams. "WHAT EXPLAINS THAT?"

"Calm down sir. I will figure it out shortly"


I grab Dan's hand and can feel his entire body calm down.

"I don't know. She should be able to walk" the doctor says. "Give it a few days. All this will heal with time"

Dan storms out the door with me in his arms.

"Bullsh-" he whispers to himself.

We soon get to the tour bus and leave for the next state. I feel so secure. Like nothing can stop me. It seems crazy since I can barely stand up though.

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