Chapter 9: What?

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I don't know who the other person is but after kicking and punching, I give up. The boys will eventually come looking for us.

"I want Dan's jacket and 300 dollars!" She says.

"I don't have any of that!" I say.

"I want their phone numbers!" Shelby says filled with anger.

"I'm not going to give you them!" I say.

She hits me with some wooden stick. It seems like it came from a chair or something.

I feel warm? I'm bleeding. But faintly I swear I see Dan.

"DAN!" I scream as loud as I can.

Then Shelby and whoever the other girl was run. They run the other direction. I see Dan's appearance get clearer, and clearer. Behind him, there is Ben, Wayne, and Platz.

Ben immediately hugs Soleil and picks her up. Ben is carrying her over his shoulder and Platz and Dan are checking on the wound. It's on the top of my shoulder.

"We need to get her to the hospital" Dan says

"No, no I'll be fine. Please I don't want to go to the hospital!" I say.

"I'm sorry, you need to" Dan kisses me on the forehead.

Wayne is in the back talking to 911. Soleil is fine, luckily.

"Who did this?" Platz asked.

"Shelby and someone else we don't know. She had a black mask on so I don't know who she was" I say.

The ambulance soon shows up at the end of the alley and they put me on stretchers.

"I'm fine!" I scream.

Dan grabs my hand. I calm down a bit.

"Ma'am, we need to sew some of this wound together."

Whatever. I was wrong. Dan was right. Ugh.

They take me to the hospital and I don't know what room this is. They quickly sew my wound and I have to be watched for like an hour and they tell me to go.

Dan walks me out and we have tomorrow off. Nothing to do. No shows, no interviews. Just Dan and I. I smile thinking about it.

"What are you smiling about, you just got stitches?" Dan asks.

"The though of just you and I tomorrow." I say.

"Oh yeah, since I couldn't give you a date last time, I'll do it this time. Tomorrow. Date. Okay?" He says.

"Of course Dannyboy." I say. "Where?"

"Oh at the hotel in our room! It's gonna be romantic!" He says with excitement.

I grin. We finally make it back to the hotel and they have to play a show for the Tyler Robinson Foundation. I'm really excited to see how much money they can raise for the cause. I'll also be pitching in and I've been drawing pictures saying "slay cancer with the dragons". I'm excited to see if anyone likes them.

I dress up in the same dress and flats that I'd worn on the first date. We just take the tour bus to wear it is and I sit at the back of the theater. I'm just drawing what I see and selling some. They actually have been selling quite well. I'm so happy everyone likes them and its for a wonderful cause. Dan looks back at me while he's singing a few times to check on me. I'm fine. Soleil is sitting up front watching Ben. I can't see her face but she seems so into their music.

After this, the band has to talk to everyone that came and then leave. Within 4 hours they did a few drawings for some items to raise money and awareness. Finally, it was time to leave. I was exhausted. I'm excited for our date.

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