Chapter 7: Sky who?

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I didn't think they'd remember. He has such a good memory. Wow. I don't know if I should really tell them. Soleil looks at me with concern. She knows my real name. I know she won't say anything.

"Well? What's your name?" Dan asks.

"Skyl-" I can't.

"Sky it's okay if you don't want to tell us." Wayne says. "Remember there is three Daniels here."

I laugh.

"Skylexi" I say "I hate that name. My parents came up with it when they were drunk. So, I have a drunken name"

"We all have the same name." Platz says.

I laugh.

We all decide to go to bed. Dan and I just lay there in bed and talk.

"Do you want to go on a date in 2 days? " he asks.

"Of course."

"No fancy clothing or anything. Just you and I our normal selves. Where we go?"

"I don't even know. I want to do something private though."

"Of course. I'm sorry I can't go in public without girls screaming my name and asking to take pictures"

"Dan, you don't need to apologize for that. I was one of those screaming girls. I know how annoying I used to be" I say.

"It's not annoying, it's just aggravating trying to go somewhere and be in love."

"Yeah, I understand."

Dan puts one arm on the dent that's in between my shoulder and head and his other on my waist. I could lay like this forever.

I wake up and Dan is still laying like that. Looks like I'm not getting up yet. I smile and just think about what happened last night. A drunken name I can run away from. I wish I was just Sky. An hour later it's 10. Dan and the bans have an interview at 1. I wake Dan up sadly.

"Whats wrong?" He asks.

"Oh nothing. I just was so comfortable." I laugh at myself.

He laughs along and gets up and gets ready and the rest of the band go walk to the interview and we're getting to stay at a hotel because we are sick of staying on a bus and we're going to be in Denver for a few days. Soleil and I sit at the table together and enjoy our time.

"How was it when Dan asked you out?" She says.

"He seemed shy" I say "but it was a cute shy."

I see Soleil's eyes widen.

"That ring! That's the one you saw in St.Louis and wanted right?"

I nod. Then she squeals.

"You know jewelry isn't everything" I say.

"I know that! It's just he really loves you."

Really loves you. I have never told anyone that and meant it. Maybe Dan will be the first one I mean it to. But it's not the time to say I love you to him. I love you is such a strong word for a weak person.

"Yeah, he's a sweet person. What about you and Ben?" I ask Soleil.

"Well we are going on our first real date." She says.

"Where are you two love birds going?", I ask.

"I dunno. He won't tell and you know I don't like 'cliff hangers' or waiting. Ha. But it's kind of exciting at the same time."

"They're going to be here in like an hour. We should get ready. I'm happy to get off this tour bus." I say.

She nods. I have no makeup. Ugh Dan. I look like a just woke up. I slide my hair in a ponytail and go talk to Soleil before the boys get here.

"Soleil, did I tell you that Dan threw out ALL of my makeup" I say

"No, why?" She says kind of angry.

"And I quote, I don't need that." I say.

She just says "Awwweehhh" and then the band is here. We all have different rooms but they're next to each other. Finally, I can get actual peace with Dan.

We all leave and get a cab to where the show is. As always, they practiced backstage. Soleil was playing for a few songs. They sounded so good. Finally, it was time for them to start playing. Soleil crawls out with her cello and starts playing it with them.

About 10 minutes later, I hear screaming. Not good screaming. Pain screaming. Pain.

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