Chapter 8:

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I'm going to go until Chapter 10 then possibly take a short break.
The pain. It's coming from Dan. I peak out and he is laying down on the stage screaming from pain. He's having a heart attack. The microphone is about a foot away and thats how it's so loud. Everyone has to listen to Dan Reynolds having a heart attack. Platz and Wayne helped him onto a stretcher. I start crying. No! This can't happen! It can't!

"Would you like to go on with him" the paramedics ask me quickly.

I nod and hop in. They give him some aspirin to try to stop the blood clots. He eventually is breathing. Normally. When he gets in his room, they have to have a few blood tests done. I hold his right hand as they take blood from his left arm. My eyes are all red and puffy. After they're done, they are going to let visitors in.

"Do you want everyone to come in? They're all in the waiting room." I ask.

He nods. I run down the hallway and get them. Soleil, she's been crying. Just like Wayne and Platz. Ben doesn't seem like he's been crying a lot. He just seems like he wants to keep a tough guy reputation.

"I'm being let out tonight, I guess they're going to get the blood tests back as fast as possible." Dan says weakly. "I'm sorry we couldn't go on a date"

"That's the last thing I'm worried about right now Dan." I say.

Soleil, of course, tries to brighten up the mood.

"Hey Sky, do you need a bandage because I think you have been falling for Dan."

We all laugh, even Dan with a weak rough laugh.

"C'mon Soleil" I say laughing.

Wayne whispers something to Dan. I'm not sure what he said but I'm sure it's none of my business anyways.

About 15 minutes later, they tell us that everyone else has to leave. I say goodbye and stand next to Dan holding his cold hand. They come in with the blood test about an hour later and said nothing unusual is wrong. They aren't even sure why it happened. Which leaves me relieved and worried.

We leave an hour later and go to the hotel. Dan asks me to go get pizza for all of us at the pizza place about a block away. So Soleil and I decide to go while the boys stay back and watch Dan.

Soleil and I are like skipping along and all the sudden, Soleil and I are grabbed. Our mouths covered. The smell of our old apartment tickles my nose. Shelby. Who else is with her though?

Authors note:
Sorry for a short chapter. Deal with it. This is dedicated to Shelmaki. idk why. It just is.

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