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- Aizawa pov -

As I crashed the door down in my fit of rage I could hear quick footsteps coming towards me. Then I saw the heads that were about to be rolled come around the doorway and just stand there, eyes darting between me and the broken door that I was currently standing on


They couldn't finish their sentence before I marched over to the both of them and bitch slapped inko and kicked toshinori where the sun don't shine 


He was now on the floor where scum like him should be.

"Hey! I don't know what makes you think that just because your his brother in law (Presidant mic was originally a yagi in this story just to make it fit. I mean him and all might are both loud and blond) that means you can march into our house and assault us but you better get it out of your head right now before I call the police!"

The pillock yelled

"ONE!! I am the police."

I showed her my hero license 

"TWO!! Where's your son!?"

I yelled back louder

"Why would we know where that little-. I MEAN, we don't know and we've been so worried do you know?"

..... Does she think I'm stupid? Or deaf? 

"Don't even try I know what's been going on here!"

I saw some of the colour drain from their face.

"Wanna know how I know?"

I asked


They replied

"Well, I was on my daily patrole of the city bot nothing was happening so I just say on a roof top keeping watch from there when I see a boy aged eeeeh, 13-14 maybe on another rooftop a few buildings over. This raised my concern but I saw him smiling so I didn't pay much mind to it."

Their colour was now as white as a sheet of paper

"D-d-did h-he?"

Inko asked

"Yes he jumped"

Inko was now crying and toshinori look horrified I thought that maybe they cared about him but...

"GREAT! Why couldn't he have jumped somewhere else not where a hero is. Now where gonna have to pay a fine or some shit!"

I was astounded and the next thing I know he is in the ground again holding his crotch...oop.


Inko screamed kneeling down to her husband. Once yagi was recoverd....... enough, I continued.



they asked in unison

"I saw him climb to the outside if the rail and it was then that I began to run over trying to save him but I wasn't going to get there in time. Only now did I recognise him. As he was about to hit the ground I looked away not wanting to see that. But instead I head a pain'ed  scream which isn't normal so I looked down and to my surprise he had a pair of turquoise wings, a feathery tail and feathers that covered some of his limbs and his ears. He was flying. So I took this chance to grab him with my capture weapon and pull him up to the roof. From there we went to my house where he told me everything."

Their mouthes were on the floor

"His trigger... that, is what it was? He has a quirk?  

Inko said in a daze

"Where is our son! We demand to see him and have him back here! We are his parents!"

Yagi yelled at me while pointing

"Not anymore..."

I klicked a pair of quirk canceling cuffs onto his hands and did the same with inko.

"You are under arrest for child abuse, neglect of your child and being grade A Jackasses"

They began to struggle in their cuffs

"If I were you I wouldn't even try. Look outside"

 I said pointing behind me to the cop cars. 

"They arrived while we were talking"

I smirked and walked behind them and pushed them outside. Some cops then came and lead them to the cars and closed them in the back  while others were talking to me and began talking to me about what their punishment would be.

"Here you go Eraserhead sir."

 A young officer said walking up to me with some special papers."


I said taking the papers 

I then walked up to the car and presed the papers up to the window for yagi to read.


He screamed at me

I just smirked bigger and 


I said then walked away going home to izuku. Once I got there I found him asleep on the couch so I decided to leave him. I put a blanket over him then left. I'll talk to hi in the morning.


750 words

goodbye   ~-*<*-~

Izuku/Ramiel: The angel of hopeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz