Favour? For them or me?

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- Izuku's pov - 

Here I was face to face with all might, the number 1 hero, my IDOL!!!! And It had now been 10 seconds of a one sided staring competition before I managed to come to my senses and stutter out


I grab out my note book seeing that he has already signed it


I yell as I look up to him

"Yes my boy, now I must go."

I see him about to leave but I have something I have to know, so before he gets a chance to leave I latch onto his leg


I yell, but it was to late he had already jumped and I was still hanging onto his leg

"Young man, you must let go."

he says. Is this guy joking?

"If I l-let g-go I'll d-die."

I stutter out

"Oh...... Well just hang on as I land."

Guess not. Maybe just...... slow? Once we landed I let go of his leg and stood panting and recovering as he just looked at me.

"A-All might, I... I have a question."

I say

"What is it my boy?"

He asks 

"W-well I was wondering if you think a person with a dorment quirk factor can become a hero?"

I ask

"A dorment quirk factor.... there the ones where they have some sort of lock that needs to be broken before being able to be used, right?"

I nod

"Well if the person can use the quirk and it would suite the job then sure but if they can't then I'm sorry my boy but think realistically they would just be a liability and get in the way off all the other hero's doing their jobs. Not to mention that they could put themselfs at risk to meaning that the others have even more to worry about. What about a police officer, their not as flash and don't get as much credit but it's still a respectable job."

I stand there shocked. My whole world just shattered. But before I could even process what he had said 

"I'm sorry young man but I must be going now."

And with that he left. My legs soon gave out beneath me and I fell down to my knees and only then did I register what had just happened. It wasn't long before there were salty tears flowing down my face to the point I couldn't even see properly.

"He's right. Kacchan's right. My parent's their right to. Their all right, I am just a useless, worthless, quirkless, deku."

I sob while standing up. I walk over to the rail of the building and look down. the ground has never looked so soft and comforting. It was then that I remembered what kacchan had said to me earlier.

'Do us all a favour and take a swan dive off the roof. Maybe you'll get a quirk in your next life'

"Hahahahahahahah, a quirk.... that sounds nice."

I smile, but that smile soon turn's into a frown as I realise that what he was saying was true. I really would be doing them all a favour. I smile again as I realise that maybe, just maybe I could make them happy with me gone their live's aught to be better. I'm to far broken anyway theirs no way to save me now.

Izuku/Ramiel: The angel of hopeWhere stories live. Discover now