There was a light that shone dimly from the passage way, all of us except Remus noticed. I looked to the boys terrified. No, this could not be happening.

Remus lifted his nose to the air sniffing out whatever was coming from the passage. He wouldn't go after us, but he would go after a person.

We had no idea what to do because in just moments, Severus Snape walked through the entrance.

He backed up instantly with fear, dropping his wand and hit the wall loudly gaining Remus' attention, a snarl grew on his face with barred teeth. Remus stepped forward snapping Snapes wand in half. There was no way of defending himself.

Snape started to run back through the dark passage way as Remus struggled to fit through. The others and I followed knowing that Severus' only hope of surviving was us.

In the moonlight I could see the branches of the whomping willow starting to move and none of us had time to freeze it. Peter, though small was swept up by the tree and thrown across the forest, we had to hope he'd be okay.

I watched as Snape was chased through the night by Remus. Sirius on four paws was the first to step in between them. Barking and growling trying to get Remus to back off. I tried to yell as Sirius was grabbed by both of Remus' claws and thrown hard into the ground. I could just see the blood on his black fur in the dark as he became human again and limped away.

The whomping willow was still on a rampage as James and I both dodged its branches. Being small there wasn't much I could do, but it only took seconds for me to feel fire across my back, as his long knives tore through me. I laid on the cold grass as I felt myself transform back into my human form. I could feel the warm blood running down my skin staining my clothes. The dew on the grass masking the tears that fell down my cheeks.

With my last few moments before slipping away, through tear clouded eyes I watched James' large antlers throw Remus off the ledge. Then, Dark.

(James POV)

It was a mess. Snivellus had put everyone in so much danger and we still saved his life regardless. I was the only one left standing after Snivellus had run off without a scratch.

Remus had retreated through the forest after his fall off the ledge. I had to hope he could manage for the next few hours.

I transformed back into human form as I analyzed the situation. The whomping willow had settled as we had all moved out of range. I looked around frantically for any of the others, when I heard the wincing of Padfoot.

When I ran over he was lent against a tree and had torn his sleeve off to try and stop the minor bleeding on his chest. I helped him up and he was able to walk.

"I'll be fine, just winded". Pads said acknowledging his cut as I nodded.

"Where's y/n? And Peter?" He asked in distress.

"I don't know yet, Peter was flung by the whomping willow, we'll have to go through the forest. I responded, "And y/n, Oh merlin y/n". I said with panic as I searched the grass, finding a limp figure about 10 feet away.

We both ran to her side where blood pooled around her, and three large gashes on her back were dripping red. Her torn shirt stained. She was unconscious probably because of the blood loss.

"Holy shit Lily is going to kill me". I said scrambling to pick her up. I could see the red dripping onto my hands and clothes.

I heard more foot steps as I turned while holding y/n bridal style. Wormtail emerged from the forest holding the back of his head.

"Worst. Night. Ever." He said walking towards us.

"We have to get her to pomfrey, She's- She doesn't have much time". I said with a slight crack in my voice. I was scared.

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